10 CBD Products You Probably Haven’t Tried Yet

The Top Ten Ideas For 2021

By: Shannon U.

CBD is a product derived from cannabis but that lacks the chemical component of THC that results in the high a person experiences when they smoke cannabis.

However, just because the high isn’t there doesn’t mean that people don’t enjoy using CBD or CBD products. 

If you or someone you know is interested in trying out CBD you can find a list of ten products that might be a great place to start, or if you are an experienced consumer of CBD products you might find something new that piques your interest.

Gummies are an increasingly popular way for people to consume their CBD.

Gummies are an increasingly popular way for people to consume their CBD.

The Top Ten CBD Products

There’s Something For Everybody


Remember how much fun the vitamin gummies were when you were a kid? Well good news everyone, you can purchase delicious gummies with CBD in them now that you are an adult.

Gummies come in a wide variety of flavors so you can purchase whatever your favorite flavor is or even get a variety of different flavors or different concentrations.

Vape Fluid

Another popular way to consume CBD is through the use of CBD vape fluid. CBD vape fluid you can purchase in a bottle or container in liquid form that allows you to drop it into your vaporizers tank just like you would with any other vape fluid.

However, for any e-cigarette smokers out there, there are also a wide variety of CBD pods available that are compatible with popular devices.

vaping CBD

While many people enjoy vaping CBD you should always discuss any health concerns with your doctor or physician first.


If gummies aren’t your cup of tea, or you prefer to avoid vaping or inhaling anything besides the clean air around you.

Not to worry, you can purchase standard capsules filled with your daily dose of CBD.

You can just take them with a glass of water at your convenience. Some of the capsules are even infused with melatonin to help you fall asleep at night.


Drops or tinctures are another great way to consume CBD if you aren’t big on the gummies or vaping.

The great thing about drops and tinctures is that they come highly concentrated so it only takes a little drop under your tongue for a fast-acting dose of CBD whenever you need or want it.

Chocolate Bars

This author’s personal favorite discovery while researching this article is CBD infused chocolate bars.

That’s right, you read that correctly. Thanks to modern miracles in science you can now purchase chocolate bars infused with CBD.

These have all the amazing benefits of chocolate — you know, being delicious, providing happiness, and enhancing serotonin production, all that good stuff — but they combine all those fantastic benefits of eating chocolate with CBD.

Facial Oil

While most of the time we think about taking CBD internally, there are actually several uses for CBD externally as well.

One popular way to use CBD products externally is through facial oils infused with CBD. Facial oils in general are used to promote calm, healthy, glowing skin.

Many of them are also loaded with plenty of floral or botanical scents to provide an all around refreshing experience for you after every time you wash your face.

You can even feel good while you do it because many of these CBD facial oils are vegan and cruelty free.

cbd bath salts

While CBD has many benefits when used internally people are always coming up with new external methods to enjoy the benefits like bubble baths and bath salts.

Bath Salts

For people who are tired, burnt out, or even just for those who enjoy taking a hot bath, you can try out CBD bath salts. Like any other bath salts, CBD bath salts may help provide a sense of calm.

You can even find a variety of different scents for your CBD salts, so consider grabbing CBD bath salts that have an aromatherapy element to them, like lavender to promote calm.

Body Soaps

On top of just having your bath water infused with CBD, you can also buy body soap infused with CBD. You can get this in both bar form as well as in body wash style soaps.

Not only will these soaps get you squeaky clean and leave your skin feeling smooth and soft, they can also come formulated with ingredients like lavender or epsom salts to provide a relaxing and soothing feeling.

Body Lotion

Another way to enjoy CBD externally is through the use of CBD infused body lotions. These lotions provide all the standard benefits you associate with body lotions like preventing dry, itchy, or flaky skin.

However, on top of these benefits, CBD body lotions may also provide a sense of soothing wherever it’s applied. This can be particularly helpful after a stressful day or after a tough workout.

In addition to lotions, there are also plenty of lip balms, eye creams, and joint balms infused with CBD.


If nothing else on this list appealed to you but you’re still interested in finding the right CBD product, don’t worry.

There’s no need to go back to Google and give somebody else a bunch of clicks and views because this last CBD product is perfect for anyone who might want to try CBD.

If you’re interested in CBD but don’t see anything that appeals to you on this list you can make whatever CBD product you want using CBD crystals.

These crystals come in a high concentration and can be used to infuse whatever you like with CBD.

So whether you want your favorite lotion or bubble bath to include CBD or even if you want a CBD Pepsi, CBD bath bombs, or brownies with CBD crystals, you can make whatever you want to. 

If you prefer to skip the steps of turning your crystals into an oil for cooking you can even just get straight CBD cooking oil and let your imagination run away with you in the kitchen.

You might even come up with your own 10 CBD products people probably haven’t heard of right at home.

cbd products

With the use of CBD drops, oils, and crystals you can enjoy the benefits anywhere.

As you can see there are a wide variety of different methods people use to experience CBD. Everything from CBD gummies, to crystals, to cooking oils can be found on the market.

So you should find the method that works the best for you. But before you dive in, remember: always be sure to discuss your health regimen with your physician or doctor and follow the advice that they give you. 

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