What It’s Really Like To Be A Woman In The Cannabis Industry (An Interview With Allison Luvera Of Kurvana)

There’s a lot of talk about women in the cannabis industry. The conversation is full of conflicting rumors of empowerment and sexism…opportunity and oppression. But what is it really like for a woman navigating her way through the business side of cannabis? We were curious, so we spoke to Allison Luvera, the Head of Marketing for vape pen leader, Kurvana.

Here’s what she had to say about her experience in the cannabis industry, where she thinks it’s going, and advice she’d give to other women who are just starting out in this space.

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Can you talk about your career journey and how you transitioned from your last job to Kurvana?

“I started my career in media, working in marketing for iconic fashion publications including Vogue, InStyle and Town & Country. From there I transitioned into luxury marketing in the wine and spirits space. I’ve always been passionate about wine on a personal level, so it seemed like a natural transition for me.

I oversaw the luxury portfolio at Pernod Ricard USA for three years, working on incredible heritage brands like Perrier-Jouet and The Glenlivet. While it was an exciting and rewarding professional experience, the emerging cannabis industry caught my eye, which led me to move to California as Head of Marketing for vape pen leader Kurvana.”


What are the biggest hurdles you face being a woman in this industry?

“The cannabis industry is unique in that it’s relatively new, and those in on the ground floor have the opportunity to shape what it’s going to look like long term. There’s definitely the chance to create an emphasis on diversity and inclusion from the start, and correct some of the issues that are systemic in other male-dominated industries.

A recent MJBizDaily survey showed that 37% of senior-level jobs in cannabis are held by women, which is considerably higher than the national average for all US businesses. I’d love to see this trend continue, and have more female representation on boards and executive teams in cannabis in the years to come.”

Have you felt excluded or left out when attending cannabis industry events?

“I haven’t felt this at all. On the contrary, I’ve found the cannabis community as a whole to be extremely welcoming and collaborative.”

In what ways do you feel that being female in this industry has given you an advantage?

“Women are the fastest growing consumer demographic in cannabis, comprising roughly one third of the market and growing 92% year over year, according to a recent report by Eaze. They present the single largest opportunity for customer acquisition and revenue growth for cannabis brands.

One obvious advantage I have as a woman in the space, is that I inherently understand this demographic and know exactly what appeals to them in the brands and products they choose.”


What kind of opportunities do you see the cannabis industry opening up for professional women?

“Cannabis is a great move for ambitious women that want to advance their careers more quickly than they might be able to in a traditional corporate environment. The emerging nature of the industry, plus the sheer number of start-up and growth stage companies looking for top talent, have created a lot of opportunity. Women that are eager to impact change through their work will especially thrive given the chance to not only build brands, but help build a whole industry, from the ground up.”

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What have been some of your favorite projects to work on with Kurvana?

The launch of our CBD vape pen line has been a passion project for the whole team, and has laid the groundwork for a national e-commerce platform that we’re about to launch. CBD products are very approachable to novice consumers, and have a range of wellness benefits, so we’ve been able to appeal to a whole new demographic with this initiative. Plus, CBD is subject to fewer marketing restrictions than THC, so it’s allowed us to work with high-profile brand partners like Revolve, Butter Group, and Poosh, who are only open to working with hemp at this point.”

Have you noticed any trends that really seem to work when marketing to women in the cannabis space?

“I think that a lot of women are curious about cannabis for its potential as a natural solution to treat issues like stress and insomnia, but are hesitant to try it. The best marketing tactics in cannabis address the reasons behind this hesitation – primarily lack of education on the plant and its applications, and lack of trust for brands and products in the space.

A best-in-class customer service team goes a long way in answering questions and sharing information with interested consumers, as does a lot of educational content at retail and through digital channels. Forging strategic partnerships with like-minded brands from other categories, like fashion or beauty, can also have a legitimizing factor that conveys a sense of trust in cannabis products and makes them more approachable.”

Why do you personally feel it’s important to have more female representation in the cannabis industry?

“I’ve been a champion for gender equality for a long time through my involvement with the National Committee for UN Women in NYC, and female economic empowerment is something I’m particularly passionate about. Even beyond that, it just makes fiscal sense.

McKinsey puts out a lot of great research each year on diversity and women in the workplace, and their findings are always the same – companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially. There’s a direct correlation between female representation in business and financial success, it’s as simple as that!”

What advice would you give younger women, or those just embarking on their career in the cannabis industry?

“Get involved in the community. Attend events, ask a female leader to coffee, even just show up at retail and chat with the budtenders about their experiences and opinions. One of the greatest things about cannabis is that it’s not just a business or an industry, it’s a movement.

There’s a common thread amongst people that work in this space, and it’s a passion for and belief in the plant. It lends itself to a mindset and culture where those already in the industry are eager to help others, share tips, and make connections. And more than anything, once you do find success in cannabis, be sure to return the favor and help other talented women find their way in too!”

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