How 25 Real People Took Control Of Their Medical Problems Using Cannabis

It seems like we’re hearing about the medical benefits of cannabis every day. People are starting to speak up and share their stories of using cannabis to heal. Whether it’s for mental health purposes or physical ailments, marijuana users are finding that the plant is replacing their prescription medications, offering relief, and giving them hope when they had none left. We took to Reddit to find the real stories of people who are taking back control of their health by using cannabis.

Users of medicinal marijuana, why do you use it and how effective is it? from AskReddit

Here’s what they are using marijuana to heal from.

1. To Stop A 5-Year Migraine

“I was in the military, had some injections and had a real bad reaction. I have had the same migraine for over 5 years. Medically retired at 24. Been to every kind of doctor and tried every pill. Nothing would touch it. Best case I would sleep through the worst of it.

A close family member had been harassing me to try marijuana as pain relief and I vehemently refused because I was always the “good kid” and had barely even drank a beer at the time. One night I was feeling particularly rough and knew said person was coming over and I had him bring a joint. It was like night and day. I may still have a migraine every day but it’s so much more tolerable.”

2. To Stop Seizures

“Epilepsy, works 100%. I’ve been seizure free since I’ve started using THC concentrates daily, almost three years ago now.”

3. For Brain Injury Complications

“My husband suffers from a TBI (traumatic brain injury) from a very bad car accident 5 years ago. Marijuana helps regulate his mood as he has extreme temperament and anger issues now. He also has crippling anxiety and it helps with that as well. Plus the multitude of pain issues he has and seizures..It’s been an absolute lifesaver for him honestly.”

4. To Ease Pain From Permanent Nerve Damage

“Permanent nerve damage in my spine. When it flairs, the pain can be world ending. I can’t breathe or move. Literally 3 minutes after ONE hit, I can relax ever so slightly that it becomes manageable. I think of like this: I built a little paper sail boat. I feel every little crease I’ve folded, I’m anxious for it to be perfect. I can’t take my mind off it but I want to let it sail on the lake if I could only let it go but I continue to grip it tighter.

It consumes my every thought and I just want to let it go but I can’t and everything is getting worse. I’m crushing my little paper sail boat. Please let it go I tell myself. ONE hit and 3 minutes later… my hand can relax enough to let it sail away. It’s ok. It will be ok.This is what medical marijuana can do for me when all other remedies seem to fail again and again. I get to let go just a little bit. It’s enough.”

5. To Stop Sleep Walking

“Cures my sleep walking. Ever since I was a teenager, EVERY night I would violently sleepwalk. One night I ran and jumped down the stairs in my house in my sleep. Got very injured. Went to the doctor, tried different sleeping medications. Nothing worked, still slept walked. Anxiety killed me, what if I ran out into the road when sleep walking? What if I die?

One day I was hanging out with friends, took a hit of cannabis and that night my sister commented that I didn’t sleep walk. Ever since then, I don’t sleep walk, granted I take at least one small hit from a vaporizer before bed. The nights that I don’t (Traveling, or something else) I sleepwalk every night. It’s the ONLY thing that can cure it.”

6. For Problems Falling Asleep

“I have a REAL hard time sleeping. Any noise besides my fan will wake me up and I’ll be up for hours. Falling asleep is the hardest part of my day. When taking a small microdose of THC each night I slept like a baby. Best 3 months of my life.”

7. For Depression & Anxiety

“I use “medical” marijuana daily (my doctor is aware and recommends it, but it’s not technically legal in my state, hence quotes) for my depression and anxiety. I’ve had diagnosed persistent major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety for over 10 years now, and I’ve tried TONS of different things to get me to a consistently functional, stable state. Marijuana does that. It mitigates any anxiety attacks, helps elevate my mood, helps me sleep better, and makes it easier to be social and engaged in my life.”

8. For Cerebral Palsy

“I have spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and had a bad reaction to an anti-spasmodic I was taking. I got sick of taking 7 pills every day just to function and I was always groggy and nauseous from painkillers. I got a medical marijuana recommendation from my doctor in college. Initially I smoked via pipe or bong but I’ve moved on to vaping concentrates and taking CBD capsules. Its very effective, cut down my medication intake significantly, and doesn’t seem to give me any of the weird side effects I used to deal with. All in all, best thing I’ve done for my health in a long time.”

9. For PTSD

“Have it for PTSD. It’s weird but it keeps me from having dreams, which is super awesome. Also helps me keep my anger/temper in check. Really pretty amazing how drastically it’s changed my outlook on life.”

10. For MS Complications

“I don’t use medically, but before she died my great grandmother did for her MS. She went from multiple seizures a day and stuck in a hospital bed with a life expectation of a couple months at most to almost no seizures, able to go home, and she lived for 3 more years.”

11. To Treat Opioid Addiction

“I use cannabis medicinally to treat symptoms of adult ADD. I had a bad bout of addiction with amphetamine salts a few years back so stimulant medications aren’t a smart option for me. Though weed acts differently on the brain I still get benefits. With stimulants I could organize my whirlwind thoughts. With weed the whirlwind slows way down and I can catch a break.I’ve also been using it to deal with other addictions. It helped me quit both amps and opioids. I’m currently working on quitting drinking and weed is crucial in that process.”

12. For Anxious Moods & Arthritic Pain

“Marijuana helps regulate my sleep. Prior military. Marijuana holds my arthritic symptoms at bay. Marijuana cools tempers and regulates my other anxious moods. Marijuana doubles my appetite as I’m certain I have an undiagnosed eating disorder. Also, Marijuana is the only Hang Over nullifier I know of. At least one which has you feeling much better while recovering.”

13. For Chronic Pain From an Injury

“When my mom was in her 20’s her, my father and one of his friends went out on Lake Erie to fish. My dads friend was being a very reckless driver and hit a big wave going fast. My mom got swooped up from it and landed back on the boat on her tailbone. She ended up getting 3 herniated disk on her spine and it almost paralyzed her.

The doctor said she could get surgery where they would install metal beams or something to help her out but She didn’t take it because her muscles wouldn’t have to work to support her back anymore and they would get weak, and she would have to go in a wheelchair anyway. So she has lived with the pain for almost 30 years now. She also has arthritis so her back will flair up randomly leaving her almost completely unable to move. The doctors prescribe her very, very strong painkillers.

This is where I come in.

I started smoking in college just for the hell of it, and I fell in love with it. I told my mom she should try smoking a joint because her painkillers would only help for a couple hours at most, and I was concerned with her heart, liver and kidneys, as she’s taking so much medication.

She had one joint and almost everything went away. She was able to eat a full meal, sleep peacefully, and go a much further time without experiencing pain. It completely changed her. Her attitude and everything. She talked with her doctor and she is finally a medicinal marijuana user.”

Out of everything that’s happened, the thing that made me the happiest was how much she cut out painkillers. Her doctor use to prescribe her almost 60 Perks a month. Now she takes maybe 5. It’s like she was able to claim her life back.”

14. To Cut Back On Prescription Medications

“I have an auto-immune disease (Ulcerative Colitis) along with depression, anxiety, C-PTSD, chronic pain, back injuries and Borderline.There are many pros and cons but the biggest pro is with pain management and the fact that I no longer take 15 medications, including narcotics, to manage my conditions.”

15. To Help With Crohn’s Symptoms

“I have Crohn’s. I’ve been a medical cannabis patient for nearly 20 years. I use Indica, mostly, or Indica-heavy hybrids. I was ALSO taking a bunch of pharma meds up til about 2 years ago; now I take none – and I really don’t notice much difference without them (other than in my budget). For me, cannabis makes the constant rumblings and goings-on in my guts much less uncomfortable and helps with the constant joint pain.”

16. To Treat Insomnia

“Insomnia: I once went 26 days in a row without sleeping more than 20 minutes in a row… less than an hour a night total. I was starting to hallucinate beeping sounds, and visual flashes of light or movement in my peripheral vision. It was BAD. Then I went on a weekend bender with some co-workers, and they loosened my tie and got me stoned af… my god I slept like a baby… 14 hours in a row.

It broke my insomnia cycle. Now whenever the insomnia lasts more than one night, I hit the vape pen once… and that’s all it takes. I’m not recommending it for chronic insomniacs. Going to sleep while high does not produce optimal brain waves for restful sleep. But for me… it shuts down and resets the part of my brain that prevents sleep. It’s a godsend.”

17. Chronic Back & Jaw Pain

 “My wife suffers from significant chronic back pain and arthritis in her jaw, and the weed takes the edge off. She uses a THC/CBD 50/50 split and takes it orally like a pain pill. For her it takes the edge off in a way that her regular pain medication does not… and considering the sharpness of that edge, that’s very good.

She could take more and get even more relief, but she rather hates the feeling of being high so she tries to keep to a dose where the stoned effect doesn’t take hold. She hopes that someday medical research can refine the pain relieving effects and minimize the recreational effects, so that she can take a higher dose.”

18. To Help With The Negative Effects Of Chemo Treatment

“When i was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 10 years ago, during my remission period, they had me on Percocet, anti anxiety, steroids, anti depressants, nauseas, and a few other counter meds to balance me out from the chemo. I couldn’t sleep, eat, etc… Lost a ton of weight, till I started smoking j’s openly. I regained color, happiness, well being, all without the need for pills. I pretty much dropped everything except for Percocet when i needed pain management.”

19. For Anxiety & PTSD

“I have PTSD and anxiety disorder from a combat injury. Weed helps me sleep through the night and generally makes me calmer and less agitated. especially helpful with the kids.”

20. To Help With Gastrointestinal Issues

“I have terrible gastrointestinal issues and have had to take promethazine to keep from throwing up throughout my life. Medical marijuana has changed that. A quick dose can settle my stomach long enough to hydrate and keep myself from being hospitalized.”

21. To Help With The Pain Caused by Connective Tissue Disease

“Connective tissue disease here, among other things. Can’t handle smoking/vaping due to issues breathing and not being a fan of feeling high. But tinctures and capsules that are 8:1 or 10:1 CBD:THC are a life saver (The Wife is the most effective strain for me). I used to rarely sleep due to the pain, but now I can sometimes sleep a full 7 hours. It’s the only reason I can still work.”

22. To Get Off Prescription Medications

“I started using it to recover from neck surgery, and was surprised at how effective it was. It took me some time to find the strains that worked best for me. A side benefit is that I stopped using fluoxetine because the Cannabis eases my depression. Prior to using the marijuana I was on heavy narcotics, Norco, and Gabapentin. Since I started using marijuana, I’m off all prescription meds. I’m not a shill for weed. I was skeptical, but now I’m a huge proponent.”

23. To Deal With Chronic Back Pain

“I’ve got some bad back problems that tend to hurt pretty constantly. Before smoking I just kinda dealt with it and suffered, because I don’t like taking pills. Now though, I can just blaze up. It’s something I enjoy, and it takes the edge off the pain. It usually doesn’t get rid of it, but it sure makes it easier to deal with.”

24. For An Improved Quality of Life

“I’ve had problems sleeping since I was a baby, have chronic pain from a work injury, and I have anxiety/depression. I’ve been medicating the last five years, I’ve never felt more myself. I was able to get off of a mood stabilizer and sleeping pills, it’s pretty incredible. My husband is perm disabled from a work injury, he was taking opioids for pain. His kidneys were being effected by them, that’s what led him to medicate with cannabis. I can’t say enough positive things, it has changed our quality of life dramatically.”

25. To Help With Tourette’s Syndrome

“I have severe Tourette’s Syndrome to the point where if I’m left un-medicated I can’t hold my head still or stay quiet, there’s times where my tics get so bad the muscles in my neck tense up and it starts to feel almost like a toothache in my neck.

Im 20 years old and started smoking medicinally 2 years ago when I turned of age to make my own decisions and let me tell you right now; It was probably the most important self-care related decision I’ve made in my short time on this Earth.

The second the smoke hits my lungs it’s almost as if i can feel the part of my brain causing the tics to turn off almost completely. And its the only time I can sit down, relax, and actually see what’s in front of me without my head bouncing up and down because I’d been so ticcy.”

This is some pretty powerful stuff if you ask us. Cannabis seems to be helping these people in more ways than one, and we believe that the world needs to know about it. Could cannabis help you? Are you using it already? If you want to share your story, please reach out via direct message on Instagram @missmarijuanaoffical.

Shannon Ullman is a writer who focuses on cannabis and CBD oil, and how they can help with health and wellness.


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