9 Real People Explain Why They Use CBD Oil

Why use CBD oil? Well, there’s a few reasons. According to research, this elusive oil packs in the benefits. From lowering anxiety, and reducing inflammation, to combating pain, it’s becoming a staple in the health & wellness world.

Many people say that they use the oil to combat chronic diseases, or as an alternative to prescription meds. How exactly are people taking the oil? Well, in a few ways.

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CBD oil can be applied topically (there are therapists all over the country offering CBD oil massages,) in pill form, in tincture form, or even soaked through the skin in the bath (CBD bath bomb anyone?)

People are using CBD oil for a whole bunch of different reasons, and we wanted to know what those were. So, we took to Reddit, to see what commenters had to say. Here are 9 real reasons why people have added this oil into their routine.

1. To get zen-like focus


“I often sit down to do homework, then notice my mind jumping from one thing to the next and I am unable to get started. Once I realize this, I go vape some cbd isolate and then can focus easily for 1-2 hrs without break.”


2. To battle chronic muscle pain


“I have a lot of energy and have been physically active with sports and fitness. I have done damage to ligaments, muscles, and to the lower spine. I’ve been a backseat passenger in a drunk car crash that busted my left shoulder. I have aches and pains everyday that make it hard to move even, hard to get out of the bed, and I am only in my 20’s.I put a lot of stress on myself ” I am a hard self-critic” which causes my anxiety. I have never felt relief until I tried CBD- It helped my aches from acute muscle spasms in my lower back and keeps me feeling relieved.”


3. To battle anxiety


“I was initially interested for chronic pain relief. I started with vaping, and then bought a tincture. I find that while it doesn’t touch the pain, it does help with my anxiety and restlessness. I take the tincture in the morning, and it keeps me relaxed and focused. When I leave work, I use my vape pen. I wish it did help with the pain, but I will say that it keeps me from being tense, which keeps the pain from escalating. The anxiety relief alone will keep me using it.”

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4. To relieve digestive pain


“I take it as a pain reliever and digestive distress reliever. I was sick for years and the doctors kept blowing me off saying I just had IBS, was a hypochondriac, etc. I was finally diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder last year after I paid a naturopath to help me.”


5. To stop migraines


“I started taking CDB oil about three weeks ago and honestly did not expect much. I was amazed at how well it works and how great I feel! I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in both my joints and intestinal tract, so I’ve never have been able to tolerate the usual anti-inflammatories. Add in anxiety and migraines, and I was in pain 24/7. The very first day I took it, I was feeling that painful spasming and flexing in my skull that says a migraine is coming. Three drops and, within 10 minutes, it had stopped and did not come back. I can get out of bed easily now (instead of the usual very careful, slow and painful maneuvering I did before) and climb stairs with ease. I feel like I have my life back!”


6. For IBS issues


“I started taking it for sleep, didn’t help me sleep better, but fixed my IBS issues. Great for end of the day de-stressing and killing anxious thoughts.”

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7. To lower stress levels


“I started vaping cbd a couple weeks ago and I’ve already noticed I’m much calmer and clear-minded on a daily basis. Not helping with sleep like I’d hoped but I definitely appreciate the effect on my anxiety and stress levels. I don’t feel like my mind is constantly racing and stressing about every little stupid thing and that alone is worth the price of the e-liquid.”


8. To lower stress levels caused by ADHD


“What I can absolutely say is that it did help with stress. I was very prone to meltdowns as people with ADHD are (we get overwhelmed quite easily). Within a week of starting 20mg daily of CBD capsules, my stress level went from a 9 to a 4. Prior to starting, I was truly concerned that I was going to have a stroke or a heart attack as I was in an extremely high-stress job. Within a week, I had just the perfect level of DGAF.”


9. To stop pain from Shingles


“I was skeptical. Got a couple of free samples of a topical. I hesitated to use it. Then the neuropathy from shingles started really acting up again. I have tried everything my doctor could prescribe for this stuff. I have had 8 separate outbreaks over the last two years. It is like bugs burrowing under my skin. I can feel them tearing and biting. I have tried gabapentin, it messes with my head, but doesn’t do a thing for the pain.

I tried the cbd and within 20 minutes the pain was gone and did not come back for three days. The second time the relief lasted a week. Now I put it on about once a week. I am so relieved to finally have this pain gone.”


CBD oil affects everyone differently. According to these Reddit threads, some people had success while others didn’t feel any changes or relief. Many commenters mentioned that dosage matters, and that the longer you take the oil, the more it seems to work. If you’re thinking about trying it, make sure to take it slow. Start with smaller doses and work your way up!

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