How to Sober Up From Weed (When You’re Way Too High)

By: Olivia Walters

The mantra “smoke weed every day” can be a headache after an all-day smoke sesh or a sneaky edible sends you into another dimension.

A lot of smokers probably remember a day when they felt uncomfortably high— you know, an out-of-body, please-help-me-sober-up kind of moment.

The symptoms of too much weed are no joke and can make someone want to know how to sober up from weed fast. 

If you smoked too much and need to sober up from weed, here are a few tips.

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How to sober up from weed

Chug cold water or shower off 

Being too high or coming down from a bad high may make you feel anxious and tired. A simple fix for this is to drink a glass of ice-cold water. 

American Marijuana explains that the reason weed gives you cottonmouth is due to a signal misfire of the salivary glands to the brain. If you’re not producing saliva when you’re high, the best solution is to drink water and introduce moisture back into the mouth. 

If drinking water doesn’t snap you back to reality, a cold shower can awaken the mind. So drown out that mind-numbing feeling that weed sometimes gives you under the shower head. 

Go on a walk

A change of scenery does wonders for me when I’m overloaded and stoned. Grab your shades to pad your confidence about going into public and take a stroll. 

The grass really is greener on the other side. 

A lemon a day to keep the high at bay 

Science-related weed sources praise lemons for their ability to slow down the effects of cannabis. 

The oil in lemons is a mood elevator so you can come down from weed by drinking the juice or zesting the peel on a lemon. 

I like to stock up on Simply Lemonade for a real summertime smoke sesh. It quenches my thirst and makes me a little more alert when I’m nodding off into a weed coma. 

Drift off for a bit

The person who hits the weed and then immediately goes to sleep is sometimes referred to as “so gone.” 

But taking a catnap when you’re stoned out of your mind helps shut out wandering high thoughts. 

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Meditate it out 

Too high and too lazy: the feeling is too real. 

Guided meditation videos on YouTube can take you out of a stoned stupor and require zero effort.    

They’re led by trained professionals in the business of calming people down. Deep breathing and comforting visualizations are guaranteed solutions to take the edge off. 

How to sober up from weed according to Reddit


A Reddit user suggested using eyedrops to sober up quickly from weed. The effect is similar to taking a cold shower, but in your eyes. 


Another population recommendation for easing off a high is to counteract weed with CBD oil. 

Leafly explains that CBD and THC—when combined—work together to mellow out the psychoactive effects of weed such as paranoia. That’s perfect for when you’re having a freakout and want to come down.

Chefs on the reality show “Cooked With Cannabis” test this method of “riding the wave” by dosing their meals with higher amounts of THC during course one and then upping the CBD infusion towards dessert. 

Reddit users agree that taking CBD helps sober you up after smoking too much weed. 


A lot of people also give credit to black pepper when it comes to reducing weed anxiety

Sniffing or chewing peppercorns is argued to do the trick. Are you asking yourself why researchers answer by citing the synergy between pepper and weed?

Their chemical makeup is similar, so to shake off the high, the pepper shaker might be the key. 


The phrase “sweat it out” comes up a lot among Reddit users. 

Getting your heart rate going through a short set of jumping jacks or push-ups can make you feel in your own skin again. 

This tip goes hand-in-hand with drinking water. Drink, sweat, and repeat. 


Finally, the “weed spinnies”—as I call them—can be toned down through food.

If an edible or a bong hit affects you negatively, Reddit advises sugary and fatty foods.

Think movie theatre snacks: chips, popcorn, and candy.

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Frequently asked questions 

Does coffee help you sober up from weed?

Yes, but not immediately. Caffeine in coffee will not instantly go into effect but it has been shown to stave off those foggy-headed weed hangovers.

Does a cold shower sober you up from weed?

It can! As per my suggestion mentioned above, a cold shower is like a slap in the face. One second you’re dull-eyed and drowsy, the next you’re perky and refreshed. 

Does nicotine sober you up from weed?

Maybe. The answer is subjective since people report that nicotine increases their THC high while others say that it kills their high. 

How to sober up from a brownie?

Assuming that you ate more weed than expected, there’s only a couple of solutions to an edible overdose. Get comfortable, don’t panic, and set up the vibe. 

Some mood lighting and relaxing music can help you relax over the next few hours while the brownie kicks in. 

Pot Guide brings up the point that a second overdose is pretty rare once you go through the first experience of a bad edible. Passing the first trial gives you some insight into what you can handle the next time. 

How to sober up from being crossfaded? 

The easiest answer is to drink and smoke in moderation. No one likes blacking out from being “lit.” 

All of the suggestions mentioned up until now might help you sober up from weed, but with alcohol in the mix, the only answer is to wait it out. 

Time will help the effects of weed fade away. 

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Olivia Walters is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle. 

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