What Is a Cannabis College & Can It Help You Break Into The Marijuana Industry?

By: Tara Tracy

College for Cannabis? You heard that right.

In America, 31 states have legalized the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Of those states, 9 have legalized recreational use.

Only a few states are left with absolutely no programs for accessing it. Long story short, the industry is booming and it is time for everyone to get on board.

Doctors need the proper tools to be able to safely prescribe and advise patients about the use of cannabis. Suppliers need educated and qualified employees.

RELATED: 4 Types of Cannabis Industry Jobs

We need scientists who can extract oils properly, we need dispensaries with educated advisors and we need growers who can safely grow the correct plants.

With this rapidly growing demand for more education, colleges and universities have joined in to help. A vast majority of pharmacy schools have already added cannabis classes to students’ course loads, while many others will be adding them in the coming years.

Best cannabis colleges

Below are some schools that will provide opportunities in the cannabis industry:

Northern Michigan University

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Northern Michigan University offers a 4-year degree in Medicinal Plant Chemistry. The first college to offer a degree of its kind, NMU gives students the opportunity to learn about the business side of the cannabis industry or take the scientific route.

These two separate tracks give students options. Students can become Mary-Jane connoisseurs, learning all about the biology of the plant and chemistry of how it affects the human body, growing in greenhouses or how to run a successful business.

Minot State University

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Minot State University followed suit with NMU, offering a bachelor’s degree in Medicinal Plant Chemistry.

Their course description boasts opportunities in the medicinal cannabis, hops, botanical supplements, and food science industries.

MSU teaches students about the extraction and purification process of marijuana products as well as hops for craft brewing (bonus!), coffee beans, essential oils and other food products.

The focus of this course is not how marijuana affects the body or growing the plant, though it is stated that they may be mentioned throughout.

Stockton University

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Stockton University offers a minor in Cannabis Studies. Although a full degree is not possible at this school, they offer a multitude of marijuana-friendly courses.

From Cannabis Law to an internship preparation course, there are a few ways to expose students to the possibilities of a career in the cannabis industry.

Stockton recognizes that with the legalization of medical marijuana in the state of New Jersey, offering classes at their university would help students see another avenue of options after graduation.

They also list internship options that coincide with the minor. The focus from this school is on the legality of marijuana, the business side of the industry and its medicinal purposes.

Suny Morrisville

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Suny Morrisville, similarly to Stockton, has a Cannabis Studies minor. Unlike the aforementioned school, Suny Morrisville has a few different options.

They recognize cannabis botany, production and processing techniques as specific areas of focus and offer separate paths for each.

The focus of this minor, however, is horticulture. Offering a greenhouse,  a farm and indoor grow rooms, they believe it is a great pair for natural science or agriculture majors.

Colorado State University Pueblo

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Colorado State University Pueblo offers a 22-credit minor in Cannabis studies. The goal of their program is to educate students on legal aspects of marijuana and apply that understanding to careers in politics, sociology, health and social work as well as other majors.

As a hispanic-serving institution, CSU Pueblo wants to help students understand the specific impacts of cannabis on their respective communities.

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy

cannabis college

University of Maryland School of Pharmacy has a very unique masters program for Medical Cannabis science and Therapeutics.

The focus here is to show graduate students the clinical uses and basic science of the plant. It is a very in-depth program for students who wish to pursue careers in the clinical, scientific or policy of medical cannabis.

Traditional universities have started to offer education options for students in the pursuit of a future in the cannabis industry, however, there are also dedicated universities for these studies. It is possible to get an education  from a University whose main focus is Mary-Jane and her purposes.

*disclaimer, there are no accredited schools for cannabis, students do not graduate with “degrees”

Learn Sativa

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Learn Sativa is a dedicated cannabis university that offers education on the many different fields in the industry.

They offer edible cooking classes (yum!), marijuana law classes, history, dispensary management, grow courses and courses on how to land a job.

With the need for educated individuals in our country, these classes give students the knowledge they need to spread their wings and fly.

Whether they want to open dispensaries, a grow facility, an edible company or just work for one, this school has it all. Oh, and it is a CBD dispensary on top of all of that!

Oaksterdam University

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Oaksterdam University gives certifications and validation of cannabis knowledge. The courses range from history, policy and business to cultivation and horticulture.

As the first recognized cannabis university, Oaksterdam prides themselves in setting the academic bar high for the industry.

Created by entrepreneurs and advocates for medical benefits, their courses are offered three different ways.

Virtual classrooms allow students to still get lectures without being present at their campus while Online courses allow students to move at their own pace.  Of course, in-person classes are also available.

Added Bonus: OU offers quite a few free classes!

Cannabis Training University

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Cannabis Training University offers a Master Marijuana Certification course. This consists of seven courses and a final exam.

They teach about all aspects of the marijuana industry including a course on different career paths. Students get nine different certifications at the end of their journey with CTU and are introduced to all aspects of the industry.

Cannabis College of America

cannabis college

Cannabis College of America is a brand new school that offers a wide variety of educational options. Whether students are just interested in a short seminar to learn more about the industry or a full six- week course to get into detail, they will have plenty of options here.

They claim to have high educational standards that produce industry-ready professionals over the span of their time with the college. Their focus is on growing, though they offer courses in legality, history, cooking, extraction and science.

The ever-growing field of cannabis needs smart, well-rounded professionals now more than ever. The opportunity to learn and grow in the industry is present and will continue to grow.

There are many other schools offering similar education or workshops and many that will begin to incorporate some options in the near future.

Tara Tracy is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle.

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