How to Make Cannabis Coconut Oil

By: Kelly Graham

Wondering how to make cannabis coconut oil for infused meals and desserts?

Since the legalization of cannabis, making edibles at home has seen a major revival. While cannabutter still remains a popular DIY cannabis infusion, more and more chefs have begun infusing their favorite cooking oils with THC as well. 

Coconut oil quickly rose to the top as the new popular kid in town for at-home cannachefs. 

Why Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil and cannabis are a match made in cooking heaven for many reasons. 

First, cannabis is lipophilic in nature (meaning it loves fat) and coconut oil is chock full of fats, making it a perfect carrier for THC. Not only is coconut oil high in fat, but it is high in healthy fatty acids that may raise good cholesterol. 

Research suggests that ingesting coconut oil may have a wide range of potential health benefits including reducing stress, reducing hunger, and bolstering heart health.

cannabis coconut oil

Combined with the many health and wellness perks of cannabis, THC-infused coconut oil makes a promising superfood. 

Coconut oil is also incredibly versatile in cooking. Its light tropical flavor lends itself to both sweet and savory dishes and its high smoke point (the temperature at which the oil starts to degrade) make it a popular choice amongst chefs. 

Your oil, your way. 

Although cannabis coconut oil is one of the most widely used infusions, many recipes call for a different kind of oil. The good news is, you can infuse nearly any kind of oil with the exact same process. 

When choosing an oil to infuse consider the flavor profile, the recipe you are using, and the smoke point.

Any oil that has a smoke point of 350℉ or higher will usually work as THC starts to degrade at that temperature.

Cannabis-infused olive oil and avocado oil are also favorites in the kitchen for their adaptability and flavor. 

With this Miss Marijuana cannabis oil recipe at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. 

How to make cannabis coconut oil:

Let’s get started. 

What You’ll Need:


-Preheat your oven to 235℉.

-Line your cookie sheet with aluminum foil.

-Grind up your flower. Be sure to not grind it up too fine! It just needs to be broken down slightly.

-Place your ground-up flower onto the aluminum foil-lined cookie sheet in a single layer.

cannabis coconut oil

-Cover the cookie sheet with aluminum foil. This will help prevent the flower from burning.

-Place the cookie sheet in the preheated oven for 45 minutes. This step is called decarboxylation. Toasting the cannabis at a low temperature activates the THC and maximizes your final THC yield. Do not skip this step! 

-While the flower is decarbing in the oven, fill the mason jar with coconut oil and set aside.

-Fill the pot with water and put it onto the stovetop on medium heat. The objective is to get the water almost boiling, but not quite.

-After 45 minutes have passed, take your decarbed flower out of the oven. Peel the aluminum foil off of the cookie sheet and gently dump the flower into the mason jar with the oil. Tightly seal the jar with the lid.

-Place your tightly sealed jar, with the oil and cannabis inside, into the pot of nearly boiling water. You should see tiny bubbles on the side of the pot or a slight rolling on the surface.

cannabis coconut oil

-When you reach that sweet spot between boiling and not, lower the heat and keep it at that middle ground for the remainder of the infusion process. Be careful not to let the jar fall over or let the water get too hot as this will degrade the THC!

-Keep a close eye on your infusion and adjust the water level and temperature as needed throughout the day.

-Let the coconut oil infuse for the next 3-5 hours. It’s time to spark up a fat joint.

-After 3-5 hours have passed, take your jar out of the pot.

=Place a strainer over an airtight container and pour your oil into it, straining out any leftover plant matter as you go. If you have cheesecloth, line your strainer with it.

-Press lightly on the flower with a rubber spatula or spoon to make sure all of the oil is squeezed out.

cannabis coconut oil

-Seal your airtight container and your coconut oil is now ready to use!

Your kitchen will never be the same after creating your very own cannabis coconut oil. Try this oil in everything from fluffy banana bread muffins to creamy chickpea curry.

RELATED: DIY Peach Honey CBD Gummies (A Recipe)

Kelly Graham is a cannabis chef and the brains behind, Not Your Mom’s Kitchen

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