5 Weed Blogs That Are Normalizing Cannabis For Health & Wellness

By: Denise Maxcy

The burgeoning cannabis industry is creating opportunities in multiple fields with people branching out in creative and fascinating directions. One of these is in the realm of blogging, specifically in the health and wellness arena.

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Within it, bloggers are educating people on the countless benefits of cannabis. Let’s take a look at some folks who are making a difference in people’s lives and helping spur the movement forward with their weed blogs.


Cannabis Cheri 

Cheri began her love relationship with marijuana in the mid 1990’s. Her doctor had suggested she try cannabis for chronic nausea problems.  She soon found out that the plant not only eased those issues, but that it also eased symptoms of depression. 

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She has become an outspoken proponent for cannabis legalization and writes articles on the injustices of the war on weed. She says, “The more I learned, the less I could keep quiet about the amazing findings I was reading about.”

She has also combined her love of weed and cooking, featuring many marijuana-based recipes on her blog.  Many of the recipes call for marijuana butter, and of course, there is a tutorial on how to create it.

She has a few inexpensive and in depth courses on topics such as making cannabis infusions, cannabis topicals and advanced edibles dosing. She does have some free dosing advice in her Free-Basic Dosing Class.

Green Love Denver

Green Love was started recently by a woman living in Denver, CO who has a passion for weed, healthier farming and protecting the environment. She describes her blog as , “Lifestyle posts for millennials living in a cannabis friendly state.”

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She concentrates on painting modern day cannabis use as contributing to a healthy lifestyle. Part of her mission is to break down common misconceptions about today’s “stoners” as she calls them. She emphasizes the benefits of combining cannabis and yoga and has many articles describing the positive results of pairing the two.

She also has a calendar on her site where people can find locations providing yoga and cannabis classes.  You can check out her podcast, Lit & Lucid, which goes beyond the basics of cannabis laws and regulations. It also discusses best practices for consumption, and how entrepreneurs are taking the industry by storm

The Hurt Guru 

From Roni the Hurt Guru comes her take on what’s important in the cannabis industry when it comes to health, fitness, and dealing with chronic pain.

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Her blogs run the gamut from the benefits of marijuana infused baths and massage oils to combining tea and coffee with cannabis to ease chronic pain. There are reviews of edibles, descriptions of the best strains to help with insomnia, and other  fascinating articles detailing the use of cannabis for healing.

One of our favorites was her article about sweet syrups that are made with a combination of CBD, melatonin, and other  natural herbs to reduce anxiety and provide relaxing, mood elevating benefits.


Sous Weed

Sous Weed is a clever take on the cooking method known as sous vide. This method is the process of cooking food in a bag or airtight jar that is submerged under water and cooked at a precise temperature.

The author of this blog had a need to be discreet when cooking cannabis to make infusions, and she discovered there was no telltale smell when using this process.

She advocates for people to make their own infusions and shows them how to do this. There are a multitude of recipes showing how to utilize these infusions into everything from cocktails to salad dressings, tomato sauce to chili oil and main dishes like medicated braised pork over rice.

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She gives advice on edibles for beginners including proper dosage and best practices.


Hey Hello High 

This blog was started by a couple of young 20-something women whose mission is to break stereotypes, bust myths and give badass advice about getting high.

They specifically direct their content towards women who are smart, successful, classy and smoke, too. They cover a multitude of topics revolving around cannabis like food, fashion, holidays, events, celebrities, health and wellness.

They have articles like, ‘How to Optimize Your High for a Great Cardio Workout,’ which offers the best strains and tips for working out high.  There are informative blogs on combining cannabis with both meditation and yoga as well as a review of a scientific study showing that cannabis can cure hangovers.

There is even a section called ‘We Tried it High’ where they document their experience trying out new endeavors while high on pot.  The blog is very active with lots of current content and topics to keep anyone entertained and informed.


With the current state of the marijuana industry growing by leaps and bounds, there is no shortage of unique and fascinating topics to delve into.


There are many well informed coaches and chefs, alternative health care providers, holistic health coaches,  and fitness experts who are embracing all things cannabis and sharing their knowledge through weed blogs.


No matter what your preferences, there is a kindred spirit that is writing and producing amazing content that you can reference to entertain or educate yourself on the wonderful world of cannabis.

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Denise Maxcy is a freelance writer and social media manager who also supports small business owners as a virtual assistant. She recently decided to leave corporate America behind and get back to her entrepreneurial spirit and work from her RV as she travels the country with her cat Pi.

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