How to Properly Press Your Flower into Rosin

When pressing your flowers into rosin it’s important that you perform the process correctly.

It can be a bit difficult at first since it can be a bit tricky to get your flowers pressed just the right way, but once you get the hang of it you can produce some high-quality rosin every time you go to press.

Following this simple guide, you can learn how to properly press your flower into rosin, how to use your rosin press bags, and also see some great choices of rosin press bags that you can use to get the best rosin out of your flower.

Packing Your Flower into the Press Bag

Before we get started with how to properly press your flower, it’s best to learn how to use a rosin bag and pack it properly so that you can get the best results out of pressing your flower.

rosin press bag

You should keep in mind that the method used when packing the flower or trim differs from the methods used for packing other plant material like hash or kief. Thankfully, the process of packing flower material into a press bag is the simplest and easiest.

To start, take care that you do not accidentally crush or grind up the flower, since this can cause you to lose some great flavor that is locked within the material of the plant.

Also, it is highly recommended that you utilize the entire flower so that nothing gets wasted.

When packing your flower make sure to push it down into the bottom of the bag without crushing it, and continue to fill the bag until it reaches maximum capacity.

Some rosin filter bags are built strong but don’t overpack the bag or seal it too tightly since this can still lead to the bag tearing or popping.

Next, you can press down on the bag with your hands to get it squished down slightly. Also, take this time to cut off any excess parts of the bag that you find so that your rosin won’t accidentally get stuck in the material later on.

Getting the Right Humidity

Once you’ve got your bag packed with flower material you can move onto the pressing process. It’s important that you get the humidity just right since the humidity of your flower is an important factor for how your rosin will turn out.

Be aware that pressing a dry flower will most certainly give you bad results. That’s because moisture is soaked back up into the flowers once they are pressed, rather than being present from the start.

The optimal humidity level of your flower sits right around 53% up to as high as 63%. Anything above or below these values is sub-optimal, so if you want the very best rosin possible try to shoot for humidity within these levels.

Humidity levels that sit below 53% can result in your flower absorbing a lot of the rosin that you produce, while levels that are above 65% might lead to your flower getting moldy and rotten.

You can check the overall humidity of your flower by using a tool known as a hygrometer. This helpful little tool is used to measure the amount of water vapor present in your flower.

Using it will make things much easier and remove a lot of the guesswork that comes with checking the humidity of your flower. You can pick up some affordable hygrometers online on Amazon, or search for one at a local shop.

Another tip for getting the right levels of humidity for your flower is to keep the flower material stored within an airtight container. Along with the flower, place a humidity pack inside so that you can keep the humidity levels at just the right point so that they’re ready for pressing.

Properly Pressing Your Flower

 Now we get to the final step, and arguably the most important one – pressing your flower.  This step of the process is perhaps the biggest factor in determining how your rosin will turn out.

While the humidity of your flower is important as well, getting the right temperature when pressing is key.

Our research has shown that if you want to get the best results when pressing your flower, you want to shoot for a temperature range between 200 and 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

The time that you should press for is quite short, only around 30 to 35 seconds total.

Of course, you can always experiment and try out different temperatures and press times.

The temperatures and press times that we have tested and researched yield some of the best rosin available when paired with the right amount of humidity and a properly packed press bag.

Equip Yourself with the Best

Following these simple tips can help you to properly press your flower each and every time.

Make sure to pack your bag correctly, get the humidity correct, and then set the temperature and press time just right to get the best possible outcome.

Naturally, properly pressing your flower is helped a ton by having the right gear. Don’t settle for cheap press bags that hamper your ability to properly press your flower.

Get yourself the gear that will ensure that every time you go to press your flower material you get the best rosin possible.

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