A Mom Smoking Weed Is Not A Crime (It Actually Makes Her a Better Parent)

Submitted By: Jessica DaCosta of Northern Wellness 

A mom smoking weed is not a crime. There is such stigma around cannabis use and motherhood. I see moms every day who use cannabis medicinally with fantastic results, and they are terrified to let anyone know.

My own family was concerned that I chose to become a cannabis coach and outspoken advocate, out of fear that my children could be taken away.

If I’m honest it scares me, too.

But cannabis led me from a dark, dark place and showed me how to love myself again. And that shit is real. People need to know about this. I refuse to let other moms continue to suffer when there is a healthy, safe alternative.

Here’s the truth: cannabis is an incredible wellness tool with few side effects, and zero chance of a fatal overdose.

It’s much healthier than alcohol, which is so on trend, especially among moms. Mommy needs wine is a totally common thing. Mommy needs a joint, not so much.

But many, many of us are working to change this. The stoner stereotype is gradually fading as cannabis gains traction as a natural, healthy alternative to pharmaceuticals.

Cannabis naturally makes you a little nicer. It softens the edges of your feelings, and gives more space to feel them. Cannabis shows you to yourself in a kind and loving way.


This is why it’s such a great tool for transformation. Cannabis pairs really well with meditation by making it easier to settle your mind, and helping you feel more self-love and compassion.

It helps you be more present, and opens your mind to new possibilities. And all this is to say nothing of the myriad illnesses it can help relieve.

Cannabis began to heal my heart and body without me even trying. But once I started going through my coaching program at the Cannabis Coaching Institute, the level of transformation in my own life was staggering.

I entered the program with a wish to help other depressed moms with cannabis. And that wish has strengthened into a life-altering purpose. Cannabis is medicine, and the help it can offer moms is just tremendous. Here’s why:

The Benefits Of A Mom Smoking Weed

It Alleviates Depression And Anxiety


This is how many of us discovered the medicinal aspect of cannabis use, by noticing how much better we felt even when not consuming.

I and many others have been able to stop taking prescription SSRIs. Misuse is not what I’m talking about here, but rather consistent Microdosing.

It Blasts Stress Naturally 


It is an amazing, hangover-free end-of-day stress blaster. Move over, nightly bottle of wine. (And if you’re depressed and you trade wine for weed, you will feel like a new woman)

It Helps You Sleep Like A Baby


Cannabis has been used as a sleep aid for ages. And it’s not just a sedative. It helps with the things that keep us up at night, like pain and anxiety.

It settles those swirling thoughts that keep us awake, and helps us accept that the day is done.

It Creates Mindfulness And Awareness


It helps you stay in the present moment, and really engage in it. I appreciate this most when I’m with my children. I am completely absorbed in everything they do and say, and I can see it delights them. We really connect.

It Connects You With Nature


It also creates a spiritual experience when in nature. The beauty of it seeps into your bones. If you haven’t, get stoned and go for a walk in the woods sometime. It’s fucking magical.

It Connects You With Your Body


This awareness really helps restore your connection with your body, and the trust that it can tell you what it needs. It helps you check in with yourself  and really understand things like hunger, tension, and what’s motivating your behavior.

This is where cannabis shines as a transformational tool in wellness coaching. This self-awareness makes it  so much easier to see a path for making changes.

RELATED: 5 Recipes With CBD Oil & THC-From Real Chefs & Bartenders

Cannabis has changed my life for the better, and I know it can help so many other mothers. The time is now to end the stigma and take control of our health with this incredible natural medicine.

So remember, a mom smoking weed is not a crime. I invite you too to come out as a cannabis user. Get a couple of pro-cannabis t-shirts. Or stick a button on your bag.

I think these small steps will help send a message that cannabis use is common among normal, functional adults. The faster we normalize and legalize cannabis use, the sooner we can all chill the fuck out an enjoy it.

Guide to microdosing weed

Jessica DaCosta is a transformational wellness coach for moms and founder of Northern Wellness. She uses cannabis and mindfulness to help other moms rediscover themselves, take back their health, and transform their lives.

RELATED: How To Use Weed For A Super Calming, At-Home Yoga Session

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