Meet The Founders of Mothers Mary, An Online Support Group For Moms Who Smoke Weed

Have you been searching for an online support group for moms who smoke weed?

If so, you’ve just found it. 

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Meet Jordana Zabitsky and Annie Bertrand, the founders of Mothers Mary, a Facebook support group for pot smoking mommas. 

Their mission is to provide support, education, and a cannabis-friendly community for mothers using medical cannabis.

They hope to fight the stigmas surrounding marijuana use to help mothers feel empowered in their decision to use cannabis for health care. 

This nonprofit organization is completely free, allowing all weed-smoking moms to come together in one place to share information. 

Jordana and Annie started the group because of their personal experiences with medical cannabis.

Annie turned to medicinal marijuana when she started suffering from postpartum depression. And, Jordana turned to weed after dealing with a bed ridden pregnancy, postpartum depression, and long-term use of anti-depressants. 

Miss Marijuana spoke with Annie and Jordana, to find out more about Mothers Mary, the women in the group, and how it all got started. 

Check out the interview below…

How Did Mothers Mary Get Started?

I, Jordana, originally created a support group on Facebook for myself because I believed that I wasn’t the only cannabis using mother out there. Through that group, Annie and I met and partnered up to co-found a nonprofit organization.


We wanted to revamp the group and take it to the next level by offering “real life” support and education. Together we have made it what it is today-an incredible community of over 1,400 moms worldwide.

Did The Group Grow Organically or Did You Spend Time Spreading The Word?

Mostly organically. The whole Mothers Mary team is answering moms in other groups; providing cannabis educational information, and letting them know about our community as best they can.

What Kind Of Moms Are In The Group?

We are cannabis friendly-mothers, and we won’t have any mommy shaming in this group. Since we don’t tolerate any kind of shaming, all of the mombers (that’s what we call them) are like-minded and supportive of one another in the group as we take on the journey of motherhood together.

What Are Some Of The Major Questions And Concerns That Come Up With The Group?

A lot of moms are really concerned about pregnancy and breastfeeding while using cannabis. They are concerned about developmental implications.

We have collected the available studies and organized them with mombers’ testimonials in the group topics.

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We don’t provide medical advice, but we definitely will provide unbiased info that will allow mothers to make their own choices about medicating during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Another major topic is just talking about cannabis and seeing how we use it in our daily lives. We use the Facebook Live feature to connect with one another as mombers and cannabis-using women.

It’s extremely empowering and comforting to see other moms doing this same taboo thing as we are.  

What Kind Of Feedback Do You Get From Group Members?

The feedback from the mombers is incredible. It’s really because of them that a group like this can exist. We’ve had moms who have come out of the cannabis closet after joining this community (including co-founder Annie.)

Other moms have introduced cannabis to their lifestyles in a revolutionary way. We are starting a movement, empowering moms to no longer be ashamed of their cannabis use!

How Experienced Are Your Members When It Comes To Using Cannabis And CBD Oil?

That’s a great question. With over 1,400 moms we have a variety of knowledge levels, from beginners to long- time users. There are also women who join just to get the information. Not everyone in the group is a cannabis user.

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We have a great team of moderators and they are quite knowledgeable. We keep up-to-date with information from well sourced articles or recent studies, and help members navigate the waters as best we can.

Do You Have Any Live Events?

That is definitely one of our upcoming goals for 2019! We will be hosting meet-and-greets where moms can share their stories. We also want to have educational events about cannabis and women’s health.

What Do You See For The Future of Mothers Mary?

We think the future is very bright for Mothers Mary. Our vision is to become a go-to source for cannabis support, recommendations and information.


We are at the beginning of a societal movement. We want to be a part of this, to ensure the industry is developed in a way that will make us proud to say we were on the front lines of Canadian legalization.

Interested in joining a support group for moms smoking weed? Check out Mothers Mary on Facebook

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