Review Of The CBD Roll On For Pain From CBD Living

A CBD roll on for pain is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to try for my chronic TMJ. Everyone has a TMJ – two of them actually. If you aren’t familiar, TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint (the joints of the jaw.)

Because of some bad orthodontist work as a kid, I’ve been suffering from chronic TMJ pain for 14 years. And, much of that pain stems from the facial muscles that are connected to the joint.

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So, when I came across CBD Living Freeze from CBD Living Water, I couldn’t wait to roll that sucker on.

CBD roll on for pain

The entire bottle contains 120mg of full spectrum nano hemp extract CBD. From all of my research, full spectrum nano is the most effective kind of CBD because it is easily absorbed by the body.

Since the molecules are so small, there is immediate bioavailability.

A CBD roll on for pain isn’t complete without a little bit of menthol, and this one contains 3.7% of it. Not only is this baby packed with CBD, but it’s got some cold therapy going on too. Cold therapy is great for arthritis, back, joint, and muscle pain!  

CBD roll on for pain
Actually, I’ve been using Tiger Balm (it’s kind of like icy hot,) a form of cold therapy, for my jaw for years. But, I found this CBD roll on way more convenient because I didn’t have to use my fingers to apply it.

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I can’t even explain how many times I’ve gotten Tiger Balm in my eyes because some of it was still left on my finger. Not fun! Plus, the roll on dries on the skin pretty quickly, while the Tiger Balm usually leaves a greasy residue.

What can you expect from this CBD roll on for pain?

Here’s my experience:

After applying to my skin, it took about one minute to feel the menthol kick in. It starts off as a slow, cold tingle, and gets more intense over time. Don’t worry, it’s nothing unbearable, and actually feels quite good, a little like a massage.

It felt like the tingling really peaked after being on for three minutes, and started diminishing around the 20-minute mark. I could definitely feel the muscles in my face relax, and between that and the tingling, the TMJ pain was off my mind.

CBD roll on for pain
I love the way it feels, the ease of use, and the ability it has to relax my muscles. I keep it in my purse and use it throughout the day, no matter where I am!

Maybe, one day, I won’t have TMJ pain anymore. But until then, I’ll keep CBD Living Freeze roll on in my pain management arsenal.

Check out price and review of CBD Living Freeze here. 

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