11 Real People Explain How Marijuana Has Helped Them Live Better Lives

The benefits of marijuana are a plenty. While you may be familiar with the plant’s ability to promote relaxation, increase focus, and ease pain, there are tons of other benefits. 

We wanted to know exactly how people are benefiting from using cannabis, so we reached out to the Miss Marijuana Instagram community to find out.

We asked, “How has weed helped you or your loved ones?” And this is what our tribe had to say….


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1. Helps with anxiety

“Cannabis has helped me feel more comfortable with anxiety and balancing the daily stresses of life.”

2. To help treat Bipolar Disorder

“I have bipolar disorder and I use some strong medicines to help control it! The side effects are horrible and weed has helped me to overcome this! I think maybe one day I could only use weed.”

3. To be more patient

“To be kind and have a little extra patience with the humans in my life!”

4. To help treat auto immune illness

“It helps me with my auto immune illness but it also could have saved my brothers life. He had Crohn’s and Celiac Disease, he basically died of malnutrition. Cannabis helped his body process foods and yet Texas is not a legal state for it so getting it for him while I lived away was hard.”

RELATED: I Use Cannabis & CBD To Treat My Neurological Disorders

5. To stay away from alcohol

“Edibles helped me love my life and it allowed me to stop drinking, and I have no desire to.”

6. To help treat chronic pain

“Weed gave me back my life after I was in a car wreck. My body went into shock and I had so many muscle spasms! I lost 70% mobility in my neck. I was on 16 different prescription pills 6 rounds of physical therapy and nothing was working. Now all I take is birth control! I can be more present with my pups and husband and I can laugh. I’m not suicidal or depressed because my pain is insane. It has just really given me back my life.”

7. To help with mental health

“It helps me with my Schizoaffective disorder/ anxiety / PSTD.”

8. To ease social anxiety

“For myself, weed has been a tool not only to relax and unwind, but also to socialize. I used to drink quite a bit but I was never a fan of the nasty side effects. After discovering cannabis, I drink maybe once a month, usually not at all. I love how cannabis can calm me down, but also leaves me clear headed and able to focus on the people around me.”

RELATED: I Use Cannabis To Treat My ADHD & ADD (Here’s Why)

9. To cope with anxiety and depression

“Weed help me participate in my life & most importantly with my family, without being crippled by depression & anxiety. Its the moment alone I need to take a breath & find myself again.”

10. To help treat skin issues

“It helps with my eczema and not scratching myself until I bleed.”

11. To find balance

“Helped me find balance in life and not stress too much over the little things. It’s helped … a lot.”

Cannabis has many benefits when it comes to health and wellness. It depends on the person and the strain, but there may be something out there that is just perfect to heal what ails you. 

RELATED: I Use Cannabis & CBD To Treat Severe Depression & Suicidal Thoughts

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