Best CBD Gummies For Sleep – How They Work & Which Ones To Buy

By: Olivia Walters

Alarm set? Check. Teeth brushed? Check. How about your CBD gummies? Nighttime routines are sacred and essential to a good night’s sleep. 

Some of us are night owls by choice, but for others not being able to fall asleep negatively affects everything—from work to relationships and even our mental health.

Adding CBD to your nighttime to-do list could help regulate your sleep cycle and improve your overall well-being. 

CBD gummies for sleep – Do they work?

CBD gummies are similar to regular, chewable gummies, except they’re made with cannabidiol oil. Hemp plants contain many therapeutic compounds, or cannabinoids, that people use for sleep, anxiety, and pain.

One of the more popular and exciting cannabinoids is CBD because it has the potential to improve sleep quality for people with insomnia. 

The research behind this is new and still in the animal test subject phase, however, scientists have been able to identify the main reason why CBD helps with sleep.

When you use CBD, the compound interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), a network of receptors, enzymes, proteins, and cannabinoids (for clarification: your body produces similar compounds to the ones in hemp/cannabis).

The ECS manages important processes for everyday functioning, such as the immune system, memory, stress levels, appetite, sleep, and more. Its primary goal is to maintain homeostasis (aka internal balance).

Think of the ECS as your body’s see-saw. When you can’t sleep, you may feel irritated, anxious, and sad. Using CBD for sleep may help tip the see-saw back towards the middle, leveling out your ECS.  

Which CBD gummies are best for sleep?

CBD gummies are a popular item on the market, which makes it hard to know how to find the best ones. You’ll want to consider dosage, additional ingredients, and CBD quality before purchasing CBD gummies. 

Not all CBD brands are considered equal, and it’s up to you to do your research. There are tons of products to sort through, but only a handful are worth your investment.

These CBD gummies from Sleepy Bear, for instance, are made in California, pass lab-quality tests, and contain zero THC. 

sleepy bear cbd gummies

They’re also dosed with CBN (a minor hemp cannabinoid) and melatonin (a naturally occurring hormone), two ingredients that have complementary effects on our sleep-wake cycle. 

Sleepy Bear harnesses the power of CBN.  Also known as the “Sleepy Cannabinoid.” Sleepy Bear is pioneering research into the sedative properties and sleep-promoting effects of this hottest minor cannabinoid. 

When used in conjunction with CBD,  preliminary data and user reports show that CBD and CBN display exponentially higher positive response rates together than when either were taken alone.

Before you take CBD gummies, you can consult Sleepy Bear’s helpful dosage guide which covers how much to take based on different sleep patterns. This way, you won’t run into any surprises when the CBD begins to take effect. 

How long before bed should you take a CBD gummy?

With edibles, there isn’t a magic number to follow since they’re different for everyone. Generally, you can expect to feel sleepy within an hour after taking CBD gummies. 

sleepy bear cbd gummies

Most nighttime routines require consistency and upkeep, just like how you had to train yourself to remember to brush your teeth. The same goes with CBD gummies, so take them at the same time every night, ideally 60-90 minutes before bed. 

How many CBD gummies should you take for sleep?

Sleepy Bear recommends taking one or two 5mg CBD gummies for restless sleepers (or three to slip into hibernation mode). After consistent use over a week, you can consider upping the dose if you’re not getting any relief. 

As a reminder, dosage varies based on an individual’s chemical makeup, age, and weight. Start with one gummy and gradually work up to a higher dosage after a week. 

To sum it up

Poor sleep can slip out of our control. Whether it’s stress that’s keeping you up, loud neighbors, bad dreams, or bothersome pain, taking CBD gummies may give you some of the power back so you sleep through the night.

And hey, what’s the harm in trying something that’s non-habit forming and made from plants? You may be surprised when you wake up feeling well-rested and rejuvenated from a full night of shut-eye. 

sleepy bear cbd gummies


Does CBD help with sleep?

Scientific and anecdotal evidence says CBD has sleep-inducing properties. The compound also has an effect on anxiety, which goes hand in hand with sleep problems.

CBD may be a helpful supplement to use before bed if you can’t sleep or if anxiety keeps you awake at night. 

Does CBD oil make you tired?

It can, yes. CBD affects your sleep-wake cycle and may make you tired. It interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a role in sleep.

The effects of CBD depend on factors such as delivery method, dosage, age, weight, and type of extract. 

Do CBD gummies get you to sleep?

Gummies fortified with CBD may help you fall asleep. The research is still preliminary given the novelty of legal hemp, but as of now, research suggests that CBD could be particularly useful for insomnia.

Other ingredients such as melatonin and CBN (another hemp compound) are commonly added to CBD gummies to boost their sleep-promoting effect.  

Olivia Walters is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle. 

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