Can Smoking Weed Help Your Workout? Here’s What 19 People on Reddit Had To Say

By: Gaby Sandor

For as long as people have been utilizing cannabis, they have also been aware of its medicinal properties. Modern society, both in the United States and throughout the world, uses cannabis to help with a variety of different mental and physical ailments.

It was only a matter of time before people started to wonder how cannabis affects a workout, many even see exercise as a natural remedy for many ailments.

We took a look at four different Reddit threads, all centered on weed and working out, to figure out how these users might combine the two, if they do at all. Throughout the comments by these Reddit users, there were a few themes among them that wove a common thread.

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To focus on the workout

“I find that it really helps me zone everything out and be completely focused on whatever lift I’m doing. I’ll be able to go a bit heavier sometimes because being a little toasted helps me really achieve the whole “mind over matter” thing. I’ll just be really into the music I’m listening to, my breathing, and counting each rep. It can be very relaxing and almost meditative. The only “problem” I’ve encountered is sometimes forgetting how many sets I’ve done something, but that only results in me doing extras to guarantee I’m not cheating myself. Bonus!”

“It has definitely helped my performance in the gym as well as my recovery. For me, it can help get me focused and really feel all of the muscles that I am using. It also can help me eat more food during the day. Just listen to your body, and if it feels right, keep doing it.”

“First time I went for a run while high I felt completely unstoppable.”

As an anti-inflammatory during and post-workout

“I like to use it before workouts. It helps me focus on myself and my workout more than what’s going on around me and can calm/slow me down so I don’t burn out as fast. Most of my heaviest lifts were when I was under the influence. It is also a fairly powerful anti-inflammatory and just helps me enjoy my workout and music more.”

To get in touch with your body

“[Smoking] makes my muscles relax and when I contract, I truly feel the squeeze.”

“After I smoke, I feel like I have complete control over my whole body, I can hold my breath for however long I want, generally I feel like I have unlimited endurance when high, I could run forever and not get tired and pain is nonexistent. My body is basically enhanced to a next level when high and if you keep working out high like that and being able to push yourself more than you would be sober, it will translate over to when you’re sober as well.”

“Taking walks while high? A+ 10/10 would recommend. I got high and took an hour long walk yesterday instead of taking the subway and it was fantastic. While it’s not super high impact, just the act of getting outside and moving for a solid hour is healthy, in my opinion.”

“I’ve gone to the gym a little stoned before (always on sativa type) and it definitely put me in the zone, I feel like I could concentrate and better isolate the muscle groups I was training that day. I felt more in tune with my body, sort of.”

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“If you do decide to try out weights while stoned, go slow, be attentive to your form, and enjoy the hell out of feeling all your muscle fibers contract and expand. It makes you hyper-aware of your body in such a unique way.”

“On hypertrophy days I can smoke before, as I find it helps me with the mind-muscle connection. It also helps me to eat my meal prep, and I just keep healthy snacks in the house too, it also helps to put me to sleep and have restorative sleep.”

To improve stamina

“I usually work out stoned, not sure if it is just mental but I feel as though I can push myself harder when stoned during a workout as long as I stay focused on my lift and the muscle(s) I am trying to train.”

“I’ve slowly come to enjoy working out whilst stoned out of my mind. The easiest way to start is to go on a leisurely jog or hit the bike after smoking a moderate amount. While high, focus on music or your surroundings to nullify body pains…my overall stamina is greatly improved.”

“I run way faster and longer when I’m high, and combining the two is a great way for me to enjoy exercise and do it reliably.”

To make the experience more pleasurable

“Cardio while baked, especially with great music, can be really pleasurable, especially if you don’t restrict yourself to a treadmill. It’s all about finding what works for you.”

“Treadmill while high has changed how I feel about cardio. Makes me MUCH less bored.”

“Put some headphones in with music that makes you excited, go run and you feel like you’re flying a jet, but your body is the vehicle. It’s great!”

“I get into the zone and am able to get caught up in my thoughts instead of thinking about how much running sucks.”

“In my experience running while high with music is amazing. It actually makes me look forward to going running. Go somewhere with good views and make sure to bring water because dry mouth can be killer. But with music your pace matches the beat and you become immersed in the music and get sudden bursts of energy and run your heart out. It’s almost like you get cross faded off weed and runners high, I love it.”

As one can see, many of these Reddit commenters found benefit in consuming marijuana at some point during their workout, be it before, during or after.

A large portion of these Reddit users also argued that whether or not one should utilize cannabis for their workout depends on the person, their body, and what they feel comfortable with. But that just seems like pretty sound advice in general, doesn’t it? 

RELATED: Here’s How I Use Cannabis To Stay Healthy & Well Every Day


Thoughts and opinions on weed and working out?

Does anyone exercise while high?

Weed and working out?

Question about Marijuana smoking and your fitness goals?

Gaby Sandor is a writer who focuses on cannabis lifestyle, culture, and history.

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