My Journey With CBD Oil And Endometriosis – A Quest For A Pain-Free Life

Submitted By: Jessica Till of

How a journey with CBD oil and Endometriosis changed Jessica’s life.

Growing up as a social and open-minded individual in Los Angeles, it was only natural that I gravitated to the underground stoner culture of the early 2000s.

I hung out and partied with friends on a weekly basis where we shared blunts, bong hits, bowls, and years later, dabs. The culture was small and close knit, and it seemed we all were connected by only two degrees of separation. 

Around 2016, I started experiencing some dire health issues that were diagnosed in April of 2017 after laparoscopic surgery as stage 4 endometriosis.

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What was initially thought of by many gynecologists that I saw as “bad cramps” was actually a tennis ball sized endometrioma (chocolate cyst) on my left ovary, causing excruciating pain and spreading to other parts of my abdomen.

cbd and endometriosis
Photo courtesy of author

It was during my first week of recovery, after it’s removal, that I started using CBD as an alternative method of pain relief as well as a critical anti-inflammatory. The quick and effective results were amazing and the relief I experienced changed my life!

Still, my social life quickly dissipated as I became more preoccupied with my recovery. I started smoking less cannabis, and instead focused on using alternate administration methods of cannabis therapeutics to fight my condition.

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After months of research and trying out different cannabis products, I decided to create, a blog dedicated to CBD reviews, stories, and shedding light on other informative cannabis wellness resources.

It was my goal to pass on the vital information I found and give other women insight into my views on cannabis and tips on treating endometriosis with CBD. 

cbd and endometriosis
Photo courtesy of author

My biggest discovery was that using a full spectrum CBD oil topically was more effective for abdominal pain relief than most salves, balms, and lotions.

It was also alarming to me when I learned that CBD has many potentially dangerous drug interactions. I suffered one personally when I combined CBD oil with a doctor prescribed opiate only a day after my surgery. 

By focusing on cannabis wellness and steering clear of the stigmatized stoner life, I felt like I was breaking new ground.

However, in less than a year after legalization in California, I am seeing many more accounts following suit and growing the field of wellness focused resources.

It’s heartwarming to continue to see so many endo sisters finding solace in cannabis and being able to live a more normalized lifestyle now that they can legally manage their symptoms in a holistic manner.

Although there is currently no cure for endometriosis, I have hope that CBD can provide relief for millions of women in pain, both mentally and physically. 

RELATED: The Best CBD Chocolate For Menstrual Cramps AND Chocolate Cravings

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