Does CBD Oil For Migraines Work? Here’s What Happened When I Tried It

By: A.R. Sky

My head is pounding right now. It has been for just about three days. It’s the kind that feels like someone took a straight shot at my right eyeball, the kind that pulsates so hard that it’s spreading from my forehead to my jaw. It’s a beautiful day, but I’m miserable because sunlight hurts. Just keeping my right eye open hurts.

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Migraines are unfairly common for me. I’ve gotten CAT scans done, MRI’s; I’ve been to a chiropractor, and tried physical therapy. Unfortunately, this is just a side effect of being human. Unfortunately, I’m used to this kind of pain.


I started smoking pot for my migraines and noticed that it helped the rest of my body rather than targeting my head, which is a huge help in itself. My chiropractor showed me how migraines, no matter what the cause, can be relieved by releasing tension in different parts of your body.

By smoking pot – I highly suggest an Indica strain for this – I was able to relax my clenched jaw, tight shoulders, and tense back.  By releasing all of this tension in my body, the plant helped lessen the pounding in my head. But it definitely doesn’t take all the pain away.

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I first heard about CBD oil in reference to cancer patients, and how it was used to help them with migraines and body aches. I immediately jumped on the idea.


I was tired of being in pain for hours on end, tired of missing work due to my migraines. I had no idea where to buy CBD oil from, so I started making my own instead.


Taking a simple baking recipe and tweaking it to fit my needs, I made myself a homemade Peppermint Lavender CBD salve for my migraines that I, and my friends, honestly can’t get enough of (as I massage more into the knot in my temple right now).

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While it doesn’t necessarily fix the problem of the migraine, the mixture soothes the ache, relieving me from tension and pain and giving me enough pain-free time to get shit done, including writing this article.


How Does CBD Oil For Migraines Work?

This is the recipe I use to make my CBD oil salve. Each ingredient works it magic to help eliminate my pain. 

CBD Oil: What most people don’t know, is that our bodies have something called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) that runs through our central nervous system.


The CBD oil bonds with the ECS, which is involved in a few of our daily processes, including pain sensation, which is why CBD oil is so effective with pain management.

Lavender Oil: Ahhh. The true ‘miracle herb.’ Lavender oil does so many wonderful things for the body and nervous system. It dilates blood vessels and is also an anti-inflammatory, which is why it’s so successful in treating migraines and headaches.


It’s also often used for stress and anxiety due to a chemical called linalool, which, just like CBD, is a natural sedative.

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Not only is the lavender working away at soothing my headache, but it’s also calming down my nervous system; my migraines give me anxiety, and my anxiety gives me migraines. I could write a beat poem about it if I wanted to.


Peppermint Oil: Peppermint oil is great for relaxing muscles all on its own. It contains menthol, which triggers a cooling sensation when applied to the skin. Have you ever started sweating from how much pain you were in? Diluted Peppermint oil is a fantastic way to bring that flushed feeling down.


Together, these ingredients do wonders to help mitigate my pain. Does CBD oil for migraines work? For me, the answer is a definite YES!

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