8 Health Benefits of Marijuana

By Sakura Yamamoto-Tarpin

Human beings from around the world have had a relationship with cannabis for thousands of years; and whether for medicinal, spiritual, or recreational purposes our history with it is well-documented.

Although its use for therapeutic purposes seems to contraindicate the current Western medical model, interest in medical marijuana has skyrocketed in recent decades and its outlook is promising. As of today, the FDA has even approved the use of cannabis in the treatment of certain diseases.

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The following are just a few of the incredible scientifically-backed health benefits of marijuana.

1. Reduced Inflammation

One of the most strongly supported benefits of cannabis is its powerful ability to reduce inflammation in the body.

One study suggests that it has twenty times the potency of aspirin as an anti-inflammatory agent. This is great news for those suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s, who have shown positive results from treatment with medical marijuana.

In a similar vein, cannabis may also be effective as a natural replacement for over-the-counter NSAIDs to treat a variety of inflammatory symptoms, from painful menstrual cramps to minimizing the unpleasant effects of an alcohol hangover, and even to ease sore muscles after a rigorous workout.

2. Natural Pain Relief

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, studies indicate that medical marijuana can be used as an effective option for natural pain relief.

A 2010 survey of patients suffering from chronic pain resulted in a 64% decrease in symptoms when treated with medical marijuana.

Another study suggests that supplementing with CBD, the non-psychoactive compound found in marijuana, may even help to reduce opioid dependence.

This is extremely promising news for the future of pain management, as marijuana has notably fewer side effects and is far less addictive than opioids, which are the current standard of prescribed pain medication. 

3. Better Sleep

While certain strains of cannabis are anecdotally famous for promoting deep sleep, our current scientific understanding of marijuana’s therapeutic benefits on sleep still leaves much to be desired.

Despite that, one 2014 study suggests that CBD may provide natural relief from certain sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and REM sleep behavior disorder.

In the same study, PTSD sufferers who supplemented with synthetic CBD experienced a decrease in nightmares. 

4. Plant-Powered Cancer Treatment

Marijuana has long been a popular mainstay for cancer patients, and for good reason.

Those who are undergoing conventional cancer treatment with the use of chemotherapy may find relief for some of its unpleasant side effects such as weight loss and vomiting by supplementing with cannabis, which is known for its appetite-stimulating properties and ability to quell nausea.

In addition, exciting findings in cancer treatment research indicate that marijuana may be an effective option for shrinking cancerous tumors. One study showed both synthetic THC and CBD to have anti-cancerous properties.

Either way, medical marijuana shows promise as both a cancer treatment and as a supplementary aid for standard approaches.

5. Improved Mental Health

Mental health is a more relevant topic than ever before, and cannabis may be an effective natural option for those looking to manage their well-being.

Chronic stress can cause a reduction in the body’s production of endocannabinoids, which are naturally occurring compounds that affect our mood, behavior, and emotions.

As the name suggests, there appears to be a relationship between cannabis and the body’s endocannabinoid system, and medical marijuana may be able to stimulate the cannabinoid receptors in our bodies to produce mood-balancing effects.

One study showed that 79% of participants supplementing with CBD experienced a sustained decrease in their anxiety over a three month period. Most participants experienced little to no side effects, which is great news for those looking for alternatives to pharmaceuticals to treat anxiety and depression. 

6. Natural Muscle Relaxant 

A quick Google search will reveal that the internet contains a wealth of anecdotal evidence in support of the use of cannabis as a muscle relaxant in the treatment of certain chronic conditions, and research is beginning to catch up.

According to one study, Multiple Sclerosis patients experienced significant relief from painful muscle spasms when supplementing with THC and CBD.

Another study on the application of medical marijuana in treating Parkinson’s showed noticeable improvement in muscle tremors for a majority of participants. 

7. Reduce Epileptic Seizures

Another application of cannabis that is on the rise is for the treatment of epileptic seizures.

One promising study indicates that medical marijuana and CBD may be effective for treating seizures in children with Dravet syndrome, a severe form of drug-resistant epilepsy. Over 60% of participants were reported to have noticeable improvement in their condition.

Because many of the commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals for seizures come with serious and well-documented side effects, medical marijuana may be an effective alternative for those seeking natural treatment options.

8.  Have Better Sex 

The current available science on how female libido works is incredibly limited.

Despite market demand for the treatment of women’s “sexual dysfunction” (a term that may not accurately describe the issue, given how little we know of its functionality to begin with) being at an all-time high, little to nothing is available in the way of conventional treatment.

What we do is know is that marijuana can heighten sensory experiences and may contribute to a decrease in arousal-inhibiting anxiousness.

In a fascinating study of women who used marijuana prior to sex, majority of participants reported an increase in libido, more satisfactory orgasms, and improved overall sexual experience. This is exciting news for women and their partners seeking natural solutions for an improved sex life.

The bottom line

As of now, clinical studies supporting the health benefits of marijuana still tend toward vague outcomes and language, and this is partially because the majority of available research tends to favor the current medical establishment.

On the bright side, given that cultural attitudes and openness toward cannabis have sharply increased in recent decades, the research that does exist in support of its health benefits is compelling and difficult to ignore.

As the demand for more scientifically-backed studies increases, the outlook is good for those looking to use marijuana to improve their wellness.

RELATED: Here’s How I Use Cannabis To Stay Healthy & Well Every Day

Sakura Yamamoto-Tarpin is a writer who focuses on cannabis lifestyle and culture. 

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