Why Overwhelmed Moms Should Hire a Cannabis Coach

Do you know any moms who smoke weed?


It turns out that there are quite a few of them. In fact, there are mommas out there who’ve built businesses on sharing the perks of weed with others.

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Andrea Meharg is one of them.


She built Reveal Cannabis to help overwhelmed moms relax, take care of themselves, and become better parents in the process.


Andrea works with moms to find just the right dosage to reduce overwhelm but still parent effectively.

And, she focuses on stress, pain, anxiety, and depression management too.


Miss Marijuana spoke with Andrea to find out how she helps moms become their best selves using cannabis.


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She tells us all about who she works with, what their concerns are, and how they benefit from using cannabis.


Here’s the interview:

When your clients come to you, what are they usually struggling with most and why?

My clients reach out because they are hoping that healthy cannabis use can alleviate their anxiety, depression, overwhelm and stress. Most women, myself included, didn’t realize how dramatically our lives would change after we had children.


We prioritize our family’s needs above our own for so long that we lose part of ourselves. Cannabis Wellness Coaching is a chance for a mom to put herself first, learn to take fantastic care of herself and then go and be the best mom she can be.


What kind of reservations or worries do your clients usually have when starting on this journey, and why?


There are two concerns that I hear the most. First, mamas are the busiest, most efficient creatures on this Earth and no one wants to be stoned and not be able to function.


They’re often so relieved to hear that you don’t have to be high as a kite when using cannabis.


Secondly, the stigma. #wineoclock is a perfectly normal hashtag but #weedoclock conjures up a bunch of images that are decidedly non mom-like.


That’s why it’s such an exciting time in Canada. We can now proudly talk about our responsible cannabis use and put a new face on the Stoner Mom poster.


Do you have clients who’ve never used cannabis before? If so, what typically makes them seek out your services?


Yes! Lots of clients have either never used or they had a bad experience several years ago and are interested in trying again.


Most seek me out because they know I will help them find exactly the right product and dose to fit their lifestyle.

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Hiring a coach is a way to bypass all the messy trial and error that so many people experience when starting to use cannabis.


What are the biggest improvements you usually see with your clients?

The results are incredible. Many mamas are able to ditch prescription meds and use cannabis to relieve symptoms instead.


They learn to prioritize themselves so they sleep better, lose weight, and feel fantastic. Learning to be a mindset master means they fill their heads with the thoughts they want to be thinking.


This means that they’re much happier, healthier moms which changes the whole family dynamic.


In your opinion, why do you think cannabis use for moms is so important?


When a mom crumbles, the entire family structure suffers. It can be devastating. Cannabis is a safe, healthy plant that moms can use to feel amazing. And isn’t that what we all want?

Do you have any tips for moms who don’t know how to explain their cannabis use to their children?


I’m a pretty big believer in the truth. Most of the stigma is in our heads, not theirs. If you’d tell your child you were taking Tylenol to relieve a headache, then tell them how cannabis cures it better, faster and with less side effects.

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Having an open, honest dialogue with your littles is always the course of action I recommend.


Andrea is the founder of Reveal Cannabis, where she offers cannabis coaching for moms. You can find out more about her services and her journey on her site.

Moms who smoke weed

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