How I Used Cannabis To Treat My MS, Chronic Pain, and Depression

By: Bainti Parmar 

Since I was a kid I have been dealing with medical problems. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and thyroid when I was 9 years old. I was too young to fully understand what diabetes was.

I went through a rebellious stage in my teenage years, but eventfully I got a hold of it and started listening to my endocrinologist. 

For a couple years in my early twenties, I enjoyed relatively good health, but when I was twenty-three, I suddenly lost the use of my legs and ended up in a wheelchair.

RELATED: How Cannabis Helps Me Be A Better Mom Despite My Chronic Pain & Illness

After countless visits to doctors, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. My doctors wrote me prescriptions for a variety of medications to manage my symptoms and told me that I should prepare for life in a wheelchair. I became deeply depressed, life seemed so unfair. 


My husband suggested I look into cannabis. At this point I was willing to try anything to make me feel even a little better. I started using CBD drops daily and vaping with a 1:1 CBD:THC pen. I was pretty skeptical of using cannabis to help me feel better medically, I always just thought cannabis was used for getting “high.”

But just a few days of using the drops and vape pen, I starting seeing the medical benefits of cannabis. I was actually able to sleep the whole night without waking up even once with pain or fear of my health.

I had a much clearer mind since I wasn’t always depressed, full of anxiety and fear. Just not feeling so depressed was somewhat of a relief. However, even though my depression was a lot better, I was still having trouble walking. 

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Then I chanced upon a doctor who changed my life with functional nutrition. He believes that the goal of medicine should be disease elimination rather than symptom management. He opened my eyes to the medical value of nature. My treatment consisted of eliminating foods like gluten and dairy. 

I also was actively using cannabis throughout. Cannabis is anti-inflammatory and has pain relieving properties. With eliminating the food that was giving me a reaction and with chiropractic care I was able to walk again.

Besides being able to walk again, my diabetes improved. My blood sugars have never been better. I increased my cannabis dosage and started noticing my nerve pain reducing tremendously. So cannabis isn’t just s drug to get you “high”. It actually does have medical benefits. 


Today, I have had no medical issues, I feel better than I have ever felt before. I can walk, go on runs, live a normal life without chronic medical problems. I still follow a plant based diet, and actively use cannabis daily. I have been actively using cannabis for almost 2 years now. It’s a part of my routine.  

The first six months  of using cannabis, I mostly stuck with CBD drops and using the vape, and slowly started trying other types of ways to use cannabis like edibles and inhaling. Living in California, we get a lot of different varieties of cannabis to try. 

With cannabis going legal here, we can legally grow up to six plants per household. This year I started my own home grow and started making my own “medicine” at home. I grow the flowers for my own personal medical use and I use all the other trims and stems for making body /hair oils and edibles. 

From going through depression to healing my nerve damage, cannabis has given me amazing medical benefits. Cannabis has so many medical values that people need to know about. I hope my story shows a different perspective on cannabis and helps others see its therapeutic benefits.

RELATED: Why I Moved To Another State To Use Cannabis For Health & Wellness

In the earliest years of Bainti Parmar’s life, she was constantly in bed with one illness after another. Among her family and friends, she was known as “the sick girl.” Life with a disease was difficult for the young girl, but her struggles to cope with diabetes as a child paled in comparison to the struggles she would face in her early twenties, when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

Through the healing power of plants, she recovered her health, and now she wants to share her story with the world in the hope that her success can help others who are suffering with no answers. Her book, Power of Plants: How Food and Cannabis Helped Me Heal is as inspirational as it is educational, and it might just change your life.If you know anyone struggling with medical problems, please share this book with them.

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