8 Ways To Stop The Munchies So You Don’t Binge On Junk Food While High

By: Madeleine Balestrier

Smoke. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

If you haven’t fallen into this cycle, then honey, you lying.

And as good as those fruity pebbles taste in the moment, the munchies are the catalyst for this never-ending marijuana merry-go-round. For some this sensation is welcomed, especially when fighting diseases, like HIV or cancer, that thwart any kind of an appetite.

But for others it’s seen as a side effect of THC rather than a remedy, because the munchies can make you feel ill, sluggish, bloated, tired, and even cause weight gain.

So Bill Nye, why do we feel like the cookie monster on steroids when we smoke weed?

Well according to Nature Neuroscience, and researcher’s study with mice, THC binds with the receptors in the olfactory sector of our brain. This increases our sensitivity to smells, tastes and Ellio’s Pizza.

And this study’s findings support the hypothesis that the neurons originally shut down from eating are actually stimulated when THC is introduced to our body and brain.

So if you’re in the “I desperately need to stop getting high and eating this week’s groceries” camp then here are some tips for how to beat science and the munchies:

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Eliminate Public Enemy #1: Junk Food

Okay, I know this is easier said than done because I too love my chocolate ice cream, goldfish and fun. So instead of going completely cold turkey on your favorite late night go-to, slowly try to adjust. You can do it!

Try replacing one sweet with fruit every grocery trip. Watermelon, oranges and apples are like nature’s starbursts with significantly less sugar.

Hey, even popsicles can sometimes be good alternatives, just check to make sure the sugar content isn’t too high. Medical News Today, recommends that women do not exceed 25 grams of sugar per day.

Or snack on individually packaged chips or Cheez-Its to avoid the constant munching.

Just remember when it comes to the munchies, moderation is key. Your mind and body will thank you later, and your taste buds will only hate you a little. Plus, I hear dark chocolate isn’t actually that bad for you!

Suck It Up & Go To The Gym

Go to the gym, do a little dance, run high, do whatever! The more active you are the healthier you are and the less it matters how much you eat when you’ve got the inevitable munchies. Sounds like a win/win to me.

Now how to find the motivation? So many options!

Hype yourself up with a pre-run smoke, you may find that it’s kind of fun running high. Being stoned plus a runner’s high? Sounds euphoric.

Or reward yourself with some cannabis and Chinese food only after you sweat the day out at the yoga studio.

Just get that body moving!

Switch Up Strains

Smoking weed is very much like fitting a shoe, it takes a little time, and fairy dust, to find the right fit. And it’s very much possible you’re smoking strains that just aren’t right for you, at least not all the time. So how are you supposed to find the strain that works for you, and fends off the munchie monster?

According to Leafly, “Our own anecdotal evidence leads us to recommend high-CBD, low-THC strains for the best “munchie-less” experience, but a strain with equal parts CBD and THC can also induce less hunger with the added benefit of mild euphoria.”

And for an even more personalized experience, check out POW, a new platform that is like the Hotels.com of cannabis for specific strains right for you.

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Do All The Things

I know, it seems like such a chore to do all the things, when the only thing you really want to do is chill out and smoke. But the munchies feed on that kind of behavior, and you my friend, are stronger than your munchies.

Here’s everything you could be doing instead:

  • Beating your friends in a heated game of Catan.
  • Hiking to see the fall foliage – it’s probably even more beautiful high.
  • Writing in your journal, and listening to covers of Bob Dylan songs.
  • Fall into a David Attenborough hole on Netflix or YouTube.
  • Read Miss Marijuana articles.

And just like that, your munchies are a thing of the past.

Cook. Smoke. Eat.

Instead of waiting for the food to come to you, go to the food and whip up a healthy meal before you smoke. Imagine having a plate of grilled salmon with edamame or a juicy fruit salad waiting for you after you smoke. It’s like when your mom had a snack waiting for you after school, but the adult version.

If you can’t wait, then smoke, while you cook! It’ll give you something to do until you let your munchies run wild.

Better yet, cook with cannabis!

Brush Your Teeth

Or swig and swash some mouthwash! Heck, floss and throw in some mints too. Do whatever it takes to fend off the munchies.

Hopefully the refreshing wake up, will get you going to do all the things, and leave your tastebuds distracted from all the goodies in your kitchen.

‘Now That’s What I Call High Quality H2O’

Become a water connoisseur like Bobby Boucher in the Waterboy, or just, you know, drink more water.

It will make you feel more full, and may even help with that gosh darn dry mouth.

Want to eat that leftover cheesecake from brunch the other day? Drink water.

Craving the cheese-stuffed crust from the pizza joint down the street? Drink more water.

Need to inject your veins with the Halloween candy you’re trying to save for trick or treaters? Drink all the water!

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Treat Yo Self

And saving the best for last, just do it. Eat the sweets, order the greasy food and treat yourself – just not every night.

Smoking cannabis is supposed to be fun, relaxing and a release, and indulging in your favorite foods is all apart of the experience. No slice of pizza tastes better, no box of warm donuts smells better and no piece of chocolate feels smoother going down your throat than after using cannabis.

Trust me, we get that orgasmic sensation, and we also care about your health and wellness too, and so does cannabis. Now all we need is a little balance, and a little moderation.

People on Reddit Say:

“There are some strains that help suppress appetite and increase productivity. Smoke some wired sativa and hit the ground running. You’ll be way happier with the high, lose weight, and feel alive!”

“I usually keep an apple near me. It taste 10000% better stoned.”

“Another thing I’ve found is that when the munchies hit if I eat a mint it takes away that urge for me. Altoids and Listerine breath strips are my go to mints for it.”

“Have you considered healthy snacks as opposed to junk food? Mangos, strawberries and pineapple are some of my favorite snacks when blazing.”

“I don’t know if it works for everyone, but I like to go do something active, like playing a sport or something with friends. Because people usually get the munchies from just lazying about, but if you be active, eat before you smoke, you won’t really think about eating, because weed is making you enjoy the activity.”

“My friends and I are huge advocates of smoking weed and playing board games. The two together are amazing. It keeps your mind and body occupied, so you can enjoy the game and socializing, without distractions like munchies. I don’t get munchies after smoking unless we’re just lazing around playing video games. I feel like the “hungry because bored” rule is like 10 fold when you’re baked.”

“I like to pre-make healthy options (I do a weeks worth at a time) and when I toke I look around and am like ‘well this is easy to grab and has like 3 things in it’ and I grab the healthy snacks. (I put apples, a pickle, and string cheese in one baggie, apples are sliced).”

“Ask yourself, “does cannabis make me hungry, or does it make food amazingly delicious.” In my case, I can be high and have an empty stomach, no problem. If I taste one morsel of food, I’m demolishing the entire fridge. So I eat dinner before smoking, and don’t eat at all while high. Except when I do.”

Try your best to implement some of these tips into your routine, if you feel like you need to escape from the smoke, eat, sleep cycle that leaves you with your hand in an empty bag of pretzels and your butt firmly planted on the couch.

You’ll eventually find a happy medium between your munchies, your body and your mind that works best for you, just like our friends on Reddit! You got it girlfriend!

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Madeleine Balestrier is a writer who covers cannabis culture and new trends in the cannabis community.

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