How to Not Smell Like Weed After Smoking (Or Look Like You Just Smoked)

By: Mame Bonsu

I think we can all agree that the conspicuous aromas of cannabis from earthy and peppery to flowery and citrusy can draw attention that is sometimes unwanted.

While many of us marijuana mavens can close our eyes and indulge in a long inhalation from a bag of Blueberry Kush or a Girls Scout Cookie crossover strain, we are well aware that not everyone shares our deep appreciation for the olfactory elements of the sacred herb.

RELATED: How to Mediate While High

We want to respect our neighbors and, equally important, not turn what would be an otherwise enjoyable high into an anxiety laden commute full of sideways stares and nose brushes.

  Who would take a crowded passenger plane over a private jet if given the choice?

Below are seven steps that us ladies of the leaf can take to rest assured that the outside world is not aware of your elevated state.

Seven because that is my lucky number. And also because there are lots of sevens in Revelations… which we can come to given the right sativa dominant hybrid.

Seven because it precedes the eleven so many frequent to appease the midnight munchies. Seven because… You get the point. 

1. Smoke In Clothes Different Than Your Going-Out Clothes (Or In No Clothes)

Odor is the most obvious giveaway.

Whether you enjoy the smell of marijuana or not, you should not be smelling like flower unless you want to get caught.

If possible, try smoking in clothes different from the ones you intend to wear in public. Better yet, try a self-care/self-love smoke session where you wear nothing at all and admire that flawless figure of yours!

I think it’s time to bring a new and more positive definition to the term smoke in mirrors. 

2. Check Your Odor

Of course, not every opportunity to smoke will be accompanied by an opportunity to switch into PJs or your birthday suit. For instances like these, be sure to carry some sort of odor eliminator or mask.

I’m a big fan of White Musk perfume which has a scent reminiscent of freshly laundered clothing. For those of you not so keen on perfumes, a travel size odor eliminator such as Fabreeze To Go should do the job of protecting strangers from a whiff of weed without seeming like you’ve just gone swimming in eau de parfum.   

3. Check Your Eyes

The many powers of our favorite plant can have us feeling as if we are under a spell. Nonetheless, no one wants to look like Lord Voldemort with his red and slit-like eyes, unless it’s Halloween.

A couple drops of Visine or similar over-the-counter drops in each eye will be enough to reduce redness, hydrate dry contact lenses, and have you looking as bright-eyed as a morning dove.

Otherwise, be prepared to fake cry and blame your non-communicative significant other. Or fake sneeze repeatedly and blame the bloom of springtime… even in January.  

4. Avoid Blowback

Perhaps my biggest smoking related annoyance is when I crack open a window only to have my exhale blow right back into my face and bedroom.

I know I’m not alone here! If you are outside, try to blaze in the direction of the breeze so the smoke moves away from you. If you are inside, point your fan in the direction of your open window to help push the smoke out.

5. Consider Edibles or Oil Cartridges (with caution)

If you would like to avoid the smoke smell all together, consider taking edibles. In this case you can get high and satisfy your munchies at the same time. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

Just know that it can be difficult to determine the potency of an edible unless you made it yourself. Start with just half a cookie or a couple gummies and see how you feel before downing the rest.

Vaping is another method by which you can get your fix of THC. Oil cartridges such as Mario Carts come in a wide variety of flavors and do not have that conspicuous pot smell.

Since the oil is concentrated THC, one or two hits from the vape pen can be enough to keep you high for hours.

People who’ve vaped oil, myself included, have remarked that the quality of the high can be different than that of a pure herb high.

Personally, I’ve found that with sativa and indica alike, a vape high has greater impact on my thoughts than body. I’ve also experienced coughing and a racing pulse after a particularly long hit.

Whatever your experience, understand that not all cartridges are legitimate and some have been known to include pesticides. Do your research and vape with caution!

6. Don’t Fixate on Whether Others Can Tell If You’re High

While factors such as smell and blood-shot eyes are usually giveaways that someone has indulged in the comfort of Mother Mary, another way to raise suspicions that you are high in public is to focus on if others can tell whether you’re high in public.

Just relax! Wasn’t that the point in the first place? Looking left and right and north and south every few seconds to see if someone has found you out is bound to draw some attention, especially in urban spaces like NYC where everyone is minding their own business to begin with.

7. Make a Habit of Interacting With Others When You’re High

Going off of my previous point, the more accustomed you become to interacting with people while high, the more likely they are to recognize you as you rather than you as high-you.

Remember that it is not a crime to be high on marijuana although possession is still illegal in many states. Get yourself out there and enjoy society! Just remember to put in some eye drops and wear fresh clothing.

RELATED: How to Make Cannabis Coconut Oil

Mame Bonsu is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle.

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