I Dedicated An Entire Day To Self-Care Using CBD Oil-Here’s What Happened

By: Shannon Ullman 

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting into the whole self-care movement big time.

I’ve been struggling with anxiety and depression before I even knew what those things were (the fifth grade to be exact.)

And on top of that, I’ve been dealing with chronic jaw pain since my teens.

So, it comes as no surprise to me that the CBD oil movement would pique my interest too.

After hearing about the healing and calming effects of CBD, (cannabinoid) I’ve been on a mission to figure out the best ways to use it for self-care.

RELATED: 10 Self-Care Tips Using Cannabis & CBD Oil (When You Need Some Serious R&R)

I’ve been trying and testing different products, brands, application methods, and milligrams. And, after gathering up all of my faves, I decided to take one, long, relaxing day and dedicate it to CBD self-care.

Here’s what I did and how it all went down!


CBD Roll-On & Meditation


Meditation isn’t easy for my wandering mind, but it’s a self-care practice that offers some   serious results when you stick with it. I love to meditate first thing in the morning since I’m a little too sleepy to be productive.

I found a quiet space in my house, grabbed my CBD roll-on, and rolled it all over my jaw line (for my chronic TMJ) and my shoulders and neck.

Between the CBD and the menthol in the roll-on, I was able to relax my muscles while doing a guided meditation via an app on my phone.

The menthol helps the CBD penetrate the skin more easily, and it lasts for about 20 minutes in total.

RELATED: Review Of The CBD Roll On For Pain From CBD Living Water

CBD Oil Smoothie

What’s better than starting the day off with a healthy smoothie? Adding some CBD to it. I made my usual fruit smoothie with bananas, strawberries, mango, pineapple, and water.

And, I added in a few drops of CBD. This particular tincture was a bit thicker (and sweeter tasting) than typical CBD oil, which makes it perfect for smoothies.

Yoga Using CBD Salve

Before diving into my at-home yoga session, I used a CBD salve on my shoulders, neck, and jaw (my problem areas, especially since I work on a laptop all day.)

This salve feels similar to lotion, and doesn’t have any menthol in it. It’s less intense and distracting than the roll on, but I still feel a warming and relaxing sensation when I use it.

RELATED: How To Use Weed For A Super Calming, At-Home Yoga Session

Self-Massage With CBD Massage Oil

After giving my muscles a bit of a workout, I decided to give myself a little self-massage. Since the neck and shoulders are a bit hard to reach when massaging yourself, I chose my feet and calves.

I used a CBD massage oil that doubles as lubricant (sexy time may or may not be part of my self-care routine…) and spent a good five minutes working out the kinks in my muscles. The added CBD gives the skin a warming sensation throughout the massage.

RELATED: Best CBD Massage Oil For A Super Soothing Self-Massage


Tea in the evenings is one of my favorite things! It’s super soothing and relaxing, especially with some added CBD oil.

I made a ginger, orange, honey tea from scratch, and added a few milligrams (about 8mg) of a Xwerks CBD oil tincture. And, I snuggled up on the couch with a book while drinking it.

RELATED: The Best CBD Tea For Self-Care Sundays

CBD Bath Bomb

Next up was bath time! A long soak in a hot bath makes me feel A-mazing! I like to light a candle, stick it on the edge of the tub, and do a little meditation while I soak.

This time, I added a CBD bath bomb that not only smelled great, but allowed my body to soak up all of its relaxing benefits with my bath. The result is that my body felt extra relaxed and my muscles felt super loose after the bath.

RELATED: The Best CBD Bath Bombs That You Can Order Online

CBD Beauty Routine

Before climbing into bed, I finished up the last of my CBD self-care routine for the day. Washing my face and properly preparing for bed is really important to me, so I added some CBD beauty products into my normal mix.

After washing and exfoliating my face, I used a CBD-infused face oil to moisturize. I also added a CBD hair oil to my roots to ensure super soft locks and a head of hair that would smell incredible in the morning.

My day of self-care using CBD felt a little like a spa day. All of my activities were great for health and wellness in their own right, but adding the CBD gave me a little extra relaxation.

While the benefits were noticeable on a small scale, they were definitely there. I’m excited to try new CBD products and higher milligrams to see how this magical little oil can help me heal.

RELATED: 17 Real People Explain How CBD Oil Makes Them Feel

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