Review Of CBD Oil Sleeping Mask By Ildi Pekar

I’m trying to figure out the whole ‘skincare’ thing. I’m 29 years old and have been lucky enough to have great skin for most of my life….until recently.


While you may be thinking, “boo hoo…poor you and your lifetime of a smooth complexion,” let me just say that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.


Since I never had to take care of my skin, I never learned how the whole skincare thing worked.

So, when I got older and noticed a colony of blackheads, forehead pimples, and weird bumps that were somewhere between the two, I had no clue what to do about it.

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I tried natural scrubs, hard-hitting medicated creams that turned my face into the surface of Death Valley, and charcoal mud masks.


I was saving my coffee grounds to make exfoliant, and spending hours extracting wiggly blackheads from my pores. Through it all, my face became extremely dry, and often puffy from all the squeezing.


After hearing about the anti-inflammatory power of CBD oil, and the magic of moisturizing before bed, I decided to try Ildi Pekar’s sleeping mask infused with CBD oil.

review of Ildi Pekar CBD oil sleeping mask

Using a CBD Oil Sleeping Mask


While I first thought this sleeping mask was an actual ‘mask,’ I was happy to discover it’s a tasty smelling cream that’s meant to be rubbed into the skin.


The first night I used it, I noticed a warm sensation on my face about two minutes after it was on.

At first, it kind of alarmed me, and I worried that I used too much. But, I quickly warmed up to the feeling and realized that it felt pretty nice.

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The sensation didn’t last long, and my face was left smelling amazing and feeling soft and smooth.

My favorite part about using this CBD face mask was the morning. When I woke up, the skin on my face felt fresh, clean, tight, and smooth.

review of Ildi Pekar CBD oil sleeping mask

My skin tone looked even, and I didn’t feel like I had to wash my face. I continued to use the CBD sleeping mask for a week and got a ton of comments from my boyfriend (who rarely offers compliments,) that my skin was looking great.


Overall, I was really happy with the mask and felt like I was having a spa experience at home. Whether the CBD oil made a difference or not is hard to say.

Since I am pretty new to the facial moisturizing scene, I’m not really sure what to expect. All I know is that my face is feeling and looking much better than it used to.

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