10 Self-Care Tips Using Cannabis & CBD Oil (When You Need Some Serious R&R)

By: Dee Dussault

The word “busy” has to go. We are all busy. We are all filled up with information and tasks.

We have an endless list of books we’d like to read, travel arrangements to make, food to prepare, relationships to nourish, and an infinite number of other such things.

To say you are“too busy” for something means you didn’t make it a priority.

If we aren’t finding time to do the things that nourish us and give us fuel to tackle all of the other things on the list, then we’re just not practicing good self-care.

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Self-care is definitely not a luxury, but a necessity that you, yes, even you, can make time for. And, one of the best ways to hit those self-care goals is by adding CBD oil or cannabis into the mix.

So, here are 10 ways to love yourself even more in 2019, some self-care ideas using CBD oil and THC.

1. Unplugging

How frequently, and for how long, is up to you. Meditate on your own personal form of digital detox and see what new experiences await you. I am taking 24 screen-free hours every full moon starting in January.

Instead of simply unplugging, try replacing it was an activity like micro-dosing and coloring, mediating, doing yoga, or cooking.

2. Put the phone down

You don’t have to selfie every joint you smoke, every nature place you go to, every cake you cut with friends, or every mud mask. See if you can have Instagram-worthy moments and be fully in them. Even sometimes.



3. Develop two daily rituals

Making goals small and achievable is key. Stick to one ritual every morning (gratitude journal, meditation, walk), and one every evening ( a CBD bath bomb bath, medicated yoga, prayer, or a steamy mug of CBD tea), and see it through for twenty-eight days. You got this.

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4. Balance your system

The endocannabinoid system is connected to and responsible for every other system in the body. Keep homeostasis with a daily dose of the non-psychoactive part of cannabis, beloved CBD.

Not just to prevent neurological degeneration and cancer but to keep sleep, pain, mood, temperature, fertility, digestion, immunity, and everyone else is balanced. My favorite method is a tincture under the tongue.

5. More nature, always

If you don’t get much green besides what’s in your pipe, it might be time to actively bring her in. If you’re in a city, schedule a few trips to the park.

A hike out of town. Different types of natural beauty allow you to feel expansive and connected to something magnificent. And, if you smoke marijuana before these self-care activities, it can really amplify the experience.


6. Hot water

Have a bath, find some hot springs, or, in a pinch, use an electronic heat-pad to warm your winter-sore muscles. Breathe deeply here, layering activities for the most benefit. No, not playing on your phone, but meditating.

Being present. Just fully feeling what is. You can set a timer and just see what happens with no expectation or judgment. Again, add some CBD into a hot glass of tea, or a CBD bath bomb into the tub for added relaxation.

7. Self-pleasure

Nothing says self-love like loving up yourself. In a way, this is an act of feminist self-care, so take it seriously. Take your time, enjoy an extended love-making session, perhaps adding props and special music, candles, or outfits to raise even more energy. See how long you can enjoy the build-up before releasing. Again, no judgment or expectation.


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8. Use food as fuel

Instead of eating to feed emotions, fill up on unlimited vegetables. I might eat a whole head of kale or two zucchinis myself.

Once you’re full on healthy food, boredom, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, and other emotions can rise up and truly be felt and released. Try journalling, dancing, or just breathing and being with what arises when you aren’t numbed by sweets.

9. Get high, mindfully

If you hit the bong like I hit chips, bring more mindfulness into your toking and see what changes. Slow down the consumption experience, if nothing else. Ask if you truly need to re-up or if you’re at the right high.

Consider ‘minimum effective dose,’ how little of a substance you can ingest to get the desired result. Micro-dosing and minimal-dosing are wellness trends that will become more common as people experience the subtle highs cannabis can bring.

10. Get moving

Perhaps most important, move, outdoors if you can, every single day. Commit to a ten minute walk. Once you start, you’ll probably keep going. Shake your arms and legs to music while waiting for the kettle to boil.

Try a new yoga class. Check out pilates videos online. Try a new form of fitness or recreation you’ve been curious about. Bowling? Ice skating? Or even just making love. When it comes to the body, it really is a ‘move it or lose it” (your health), situation, so why not boogy a bit right now??


Learn how to practice self-care using cannabis and CBD so you can amplify your entire experience. You’ll be able to relax your mind, body, and spirit to unwind a little more deeply using these self-care strategies.

RELATED: How To Use Weed For A Super Calming, At-Home Yoga Session

This article was written by Dee Dussault, the founder of Ganja Yoga, and sexuality coach. For more of her yoga and ganja content, check her out on Instagram.

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