What Does An Edible High Feel Like? Here’s What 10 Real People Had To Say

By: Charlot Martin-Amadi

Have you been asking yourself, “what does an edible high feel like?” Weed and food have gone together since the beginning of time. Whether you’re a new stoner or a seasoned vet, you’ve probably heard of edibles.

Edibles are foods that contain marijuana – the classic example being pot brownies. Now that both recreational and medicinal marijuana use is legal in multiple states, the edible market has expanded. You can have anything from chips to lobster claws elevated with marijuana.

But before you make yourself a big bowl of Captain Kush with cannamilk, you might want to know what an edible high feels like. Here’s what a few Redditor’s had to say:

What does an edible high feel like?

According to 10 real people. 

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Hits Like A Train, Go On A Trip

“I am very experienced with edibles because I can’t smoke. Smoking isn’t as intense of a high but it comes on a lot faster. Edible high is more trippy and the body high is way stronger. They also make me way more tired when it wears off than smoking would.

Taking too much edible can be an extremely unpleasant experience, so always know your dose. I almost always get a little panicked and paranoid when the edible hits because it can hit like a train out of nowhere. Smoking is definitely a more functioning high imo. Edibles are best in my experience during: long trips, plane rides, movies, long unimportant meetings.”

Checked Out while Checking In

“I ate a 350mg Eddie before my flight once… it didn’t hit me until I was walking up to scan my phone (using southwest app) for TSA and I was so fucked up I put my phone on the scanner with the screen facing up and when he told me to flip it, I didn’t flip it so the screen was down, I just turned it 180 degrees… he was laughing his ass off. I was extremely high.”

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Pizza and Panic

“My buddy gave me a 1/4th of his brownie which I later found out was one of those Kordova 1000mg brownies. It started off really slow and then just kept ramping up. In the first few hours I felt great! I ate an entire large pizza myself, was chilling watching some random movie.

I then started to feel really sick, but was so high I felt like I couldn’t walk. So I crawled to his bathroom where I proceeded to throw up for what felt like hours and lay in the fetal position having a panic attack until the edible wore off.”

Getting Weird on Weed

“First time I ever ate a brownie was akin to my first low dose of acid honestly, at least in the beginning of the trip. Like without the seeing patterns or colors and without such a warped perception, but definitely the absence of mind and the euphoria; as well as being able to see things very vibrantly.

I was a beginning stoner back then so my tolerance wasn’t very high. One brownie messed me up for 4 hours. I remember driving [Writer’s Note: Do NOT consume cannabis and drive] and just being so enthralled by all the lights and the glow over the towns and such.

Everything was so vibrant I had such a body high I felt like I couldn’t sit still. I wanted to go on a journey some place and just experience the world. Ended up driving home and eating 3 large bowls of popcorn, but still, it was a good time.”

Slow and Stoney Wins The Race

“Definitely take it slow and do not eat more than one serving. It comes on slow, but too much can cause tachycardia. I have experienced this. It is not fun and can be quite dangerous.

The feeling is similar to smoking, but not the same. It lasts MUCH longer, so plan ahead. Body effects are more apparent. I used edibles to help me sleep for a while. Indica-based edibles gave me that comfy floating on air feeling (sativa based foods were more cerebral with their effect and more stimulating).

If I took too much, these feelings would be greatly exaggerated and could be coupled with auditory hallucinations as well as some mild visual hallucinations as well. Nothing intense like what you would see with a psychedelic, just like an extra fuzziness to things or some colour displays when I closed my eyes. When I took too much, I would go to a cool area with a fan or air conditioning with some headphones and listen to music.

You will be extremely thirsty. Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol). Water, juice, and herbal tea were my preferences. Other than that, enjoy some laughs with your friends!”

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You’ll Know It When You Feel It

“With regular smoking, it’s more of a heady high; and with edibles, it’s more of a body high, kind of hard to explain but when you’ll try you’ll certainly know what I mean.”

Woke Up High

“Had an entire cookie from a batch that I apparently wayyyyyy overdosed. Laid in fetal position in bed rocking back and forth hoping that it would stop. It didn’t for hours. The world was spinning, my head felt like it was detached from my body, and I could barely feel my toes. Woke up the next morning and I was still high.”

Couch locked

“Big time difference. Edibles give you a better body buzz and lasts a lot longer. Smoking will hit you quicker though. Probably about a half hour before they start kicking in. Then it just gets stronger for a bit. You can still function. But couches are super comfortable.”

A Little Goes A Long Way

“I agree [with the others that] edibles are more of a body high. They also tend to give me a really sort of dizzy and confused high, as opposed to the chilled out and ‘elevated’ feeling I otherwise get. If I have too much I even get a bit woozy, as if I’m drunk, which never happens when smoking/vaping. But as long as you just start slow (and don’t eat more out of impatience) it should be all good.”

Go See the Rasta Man

“My wife and I were in Jamaica a few years ago enjoying all the local flora and fauna, mostly the flora. We went on a tourist trip to the small village in the mountains to Bob Marley’s childhood home and burial site. Definitely touristy, but also fun and interesting. Got directed to “go see the rasta man” in an alley and bought a brownie off him. Didn’t heed the caution of our guide and my wife and I split this giant brownie.

About the time we hopped on the rickety bus to head back down the mountain it hit us. I remember blasting down the jungle mountain roads in an amazing technicolor dream bus from the 1950s, windows down, chill reggae music blasting from the sound system.

I literally thought I was on some type of space ship flying through the beautiful rolling mountains on the 2 hour drive back to the coast. Holding her hand, I felt that we were experiencing this fantastic trip together. No words were spoken. We were too far gone to speak. It was beautiful.”

Based on the Reddit comments, it seems like edibles are certainly worth a try. The best edible adventures start with taking a small dose, waiting patiently, and keeping non-medicated food nearby. If you decide to get your munch on, remember the golden rule: moderation is key!

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Charlot Martin-Amadi is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle content. 

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