What’s the Difference Between a Blunt, Joint, and Spliff?

By : Alicia Simmons

Vaping, dabbing, edibles, one hitters, glass pieces, hookahs, bongs, volcanoes…even apples, are all a myriad of relevant methods for partaking in cannabis.

Before the recent health scares, due to portability, discretion, and ease, vaping was set to become an ever more popular means of getting high. However, during these strange times of COVID-19 and quarantining, we are all forced to slow way down and return to basics.

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The beauty, simplicity, and steadfast nature of hand rolled blunts, joints, and spliffs harken back to a simpler time. The creative prowess and skill one can employ make rolling up a classic, fun, and necessary component of any user’s diverse repertoire.

What is a Spliff?

Quite simply, spliffs are a mixture of tobacco and marijuana rolled into a rolling paper. Like joints, spliffs usually have a filter, aka crutch. Filters make it much easier to smoke any rolled style since it allows the smoker to completely finish their roll without burning the fingertips.

Spliffs can be rolled with any ratio of tobacco to marijuana depending on the user’s preferences. The addition of tobacco induces a buzzy, stimulating effect, which some people believe enhances and prolongs their high.

If you are not used to tobacco it can produce a lightheaded, disorienting experience, depending on the ratios. Spliffs are more popular in other parts of the world, with Italy being number one for spliff smoking!

Used widely across Europe (among other regions), spliffs are considered less wasteful as well as more socially accepted.

What Kind of Paper is Used for a Spliff?

Rolling papers are merely an encasement for marijuana in order for it to be smoked. Papers for spliff rolling vary, but the optimal kind won’t easily tear, burn evenly, and seal flawlessly. Ideally free of additives like dyes or chalks, the best papers to manipulate are thin, but not so thin that tearing is an issue.

One should also try to avoid any papers that contain titanium oxide, chlorine bleach, calcium carbonate, and potassium nitrate. But don’t fret because there are plenty of high quality and safe rolling papers on the market from brands like Raw, Element, OCB and a multitude more.

They come in different sizes depending on how much herb the user desires to roll up. Papers vary wildly and can be produced from hemp, rice, wood pulp, or even flax. There are even luxury specialty rolling papers produced from 24K gold!

One can easily find any of these papers to order online. They can also be found in head/smoke shops in major cities, tobacco shops (Tobacs), bodegas, gas stations, dispensaries, and even Walmart.

How to Roll a Spliff:

It should be declared that investing in a quality grinder is always a good idea for any kind of rolling! Cannabis that has been properly ground will pack, roll, and most importantly, burn significantly more evenly.

Things you will need: A crutch, ½ gram total of cannabis/tobacco blend of a ratio of your choice, a grinder, rolling papers (start off with normal sized papers that are 1 ¼), a lighter, and a pen/sharp object to pack down the joint.

·  Step 1: Grind your cannabis into shake.

·  Step 2: Fill the paper with the crutch and the shake/tobacco mixture.

·  Step 3: Once you’ve filled the ½ gram blend into the paper, you can start shaping and forming the spliff with your fingers.

·  Step 4: Pinch the paper between your fingertips and begin rolling it back and forth to shape the roll into its final cone shape.

·  Step 5: Tuck the unglued side of paper into the roll, roll it, then use the glued edge to seal the edge closest to the crutch. with slight moisture. Then continue sealing the length of the roll in this fashion.

·  Step 6: Using your pen or other sharp object, pack down the herbal blend at the end and close by twisting the tip of the paper.

·  Step 7: Light up and enjoy!

Pros and Cons of Spliffs


·  Reduces the amount of cannabis that must be used.

·  Gives a slight buzzy, stimulating feeling if you’re into that.

·  They burn longer than simple joints.


·  The addition of tobacco can be harmful to health

·  You miss out of the pure taste of the cannabis.

·  The buzzy effect isn’t for everyone!

What is a Joint?

 Joints are rolled just like spliffs utilizing thin rolling paper, only they exclude the use of any tobacco and include only marijuana. As mentioned, filters are usually included.

More popular than spliffs in American, joints represent the quintessential symbol of cannabis consumption in popular culture. Worth noting is the global differences in jargon…for instance in Europe spliffs are actually referred to as joints!

What Kind of Paper is Used for a Joint?

Given that spliff and joint rolling are nearly identical in form, you can utilize the same papers that are appropriate for rolling spliffs! Hemp, rice, even gold can be used! Remember to shop for toxin and chemical-free papers. Headshops, dispensaries, online, and gas stations, are just a few places they’re sold.

How to Roll a Joint

 Rolling joints is just as simple as rolling spliffs! The only difference is that you’re using 1/4th gram of pure Maryjane with no tobacco included.

·  Step 1: Grind your herb down.

·  Step 2: Place the crutch and marijuana fully into the paper.

·  Step 3: Once full, start shaping with your fingers.

·  Step 4: Pinch the paper between your fingertips and start rolling it back and forth to form its final cone shape.

·  Step 5: Tuck the unglued side of paper nearest the crutch, roll it, then seal the glued side down. Continue down the length of the joint.

·  Step 6: Using a pen or sharp object, pack the bud down into the end.

·  Step 7: Enjoy!

Pros and Cons of Joints


·  Pure taste undiluted with tobacco.

·  Stronger marijuana buzz.

·  Healthier than smoking any tobacco from blunt papers or the addition of tobacco in spliffs.


·  Can be considered more wasteful of the cannabis.

·  Joint papers tend to burn faster than blunts.

·  Because they burn faster, a crutch is almost always necessary.

What is a Blunt?

Blunts are basically cannabis cigars. Like joints, they have their own place in the cultural lexicon of getting high. The interior is rolled using all marijuana and the exterior is a tobacco paper.

Blunts are most commonly made from cheap cigars that have been gutted of their tobacco and filled with herb instead. Because these papers consist of tobacco leaves, their nicotine creates a buzzy effect not found in joints.

What Kind of Paper is Used for Blunts?

 Found in places like gas stations, bodegas, tobacco shops, and online, tobacco paper is the only kind used in blunt rolling. The types and brands vary and many papers are flavored with blunt aficionados differentiating between the varied flavors.

Blunts burn longer than spliffs or joints due to their much thicker paper and the fact that more bud is typically used since they are bigger. This also makes blunts easier to roll because the risk of the paper tearing is far less.

How to Roll a Blunt

To roll a blunt you’ll need a grinder,1-2 grams of cannabis (blunts are bigger than joints and spliffs), some water, and a cigarillo or cigar.

·  Step 1: First grind your herb.

·  Step 2: Prep the blunt. It’s highly recommended that you moisten the cigar just a tad using your fingers in order to prevent cracking of the paper. Then press your fingernail into the bunt in order to puncture a straight line and continue opening it up along the length. “Gut” the cigar, or gently remove the tobacco and dispose of it.

·  Step 3: Fill the paper with cannabis and pack and shape the blunt by rolling it between your fingers.

·  Step 4: Moisten the inside edge of the paper and roll the top paper over it seal it.

·  Step 5: Using a lighter, quickly run the flame along the length of your blunt in order to set it. This is done to dry out the tobacco paper of the previously applied dampness.

·  Step 6: Light up and enjoy!

Pros and Cons of Blunts


·  Blunts burn much slower

·  Blunts are larger and lack tobacco making them ideal for sharing or for saving half for later!

·  The array of flavors to choose from in tobacco appeal to many people.


·  The buzzy effect of the tobacco paper isn’t for everyone.

·  Blunts could be considered as wasteful, even more so than joints due to the increase of herb required to fill a cigar paper.

·  The paper can sometimes be harsher on the throat when inhaling.


Q: Is the high different between a joint, blunt, and spliff?

A: The high is different because of the varying tobacco and cannabis ratios. For the strongest stimulating buzzy effect a spliff would be appropriate. For purer flavor and a more concentrated high blunts or joints are recommended with the strongest of the two being a blunt (if comparing standard sizes.)

Q: Is a blunt, joint, or spliff easier to roll?

A: Blunts are a bit easier to manipulate due to their thicker paper. However, all can be easy to roll with practice.

Q: Which is more popular to smoke, a blunt, joint, or spliff?

A: Spliffs are more common in Europe, blunts and joints are more common stateside.

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Alicia Simmons is a writer who focuses on cannabis culture and lifestyle. 

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