How The Creator of Cannabliss Retreats Is Breaking The Stigma

Breaking the negative stigma of cannabis is a joint effort. That’s why we’ve created this new interview series, ‘Breaking The Stigma,’ in which we interview women in the cannabis space who are doing their part.

Today we speak with Sari Starr, otherwise known as the Cannabis Priestess, to find out how she’s breaking the stigma.

Sari decided three years ago to transition her creative agency into a cannabis-creative incubator, and in 2016 formed Redefining Cannabis.


Having spent the last three years immersed in the cannabis and hemp industry, cultivating relationships with leading brands and brilliant educators, Sari launched Cannabliss Retreats, today’s first global-intentional cannabis-minded retreats and festivals.

In the Spirit of Cannabis, Sari uses her platform to educate people on functional health and wellness, conscious awakening, and enlightened entrepreneurship.

She is fulfilling her mission by fostering a community around intentional and mindful practices with cannabis and is using her influence on social media and in the press to inspire people to connect with their authentic purpose.

Here’s what she had to say:

Miss M. : How did you first discover cannabis and what did you think about it at the time?

Sari: I was in high school and I ran away from home to live at my friend’s house. I was in a rebellion stage, my friend had a joint and we smoked for the first time. I will never forget how much I laughed and laughed, I was going through a very hard time in life and it was such a reprieve from my inner angst.

Afterwards we raided her parent’s fridge and ate a whole cake. I will never forget that moment, it was purely joyful, innocent and fun.

After that I spent hours with friends smoking weed and talking about the philosophies of life. She truly was the gateway to my higher consciousness and exploration of the mysteries of the world.

Miss M. : Do you have a story about how you started using cannabis in your health and wellness journey?

Sari: I have always used cannabis but not always consciously and with intentional awareness. It was when I started working in the industry that I went deeper into my relationship with this plant.

As I began working with other plant medicines, I was taught how powerful these master plants really are and one could say that my experiences with other psychedelics changed my relationship with cannabis.

They guided me into a new communion with her, and my journeys with other plant medicines informed me that it was my purpose to use her intentionally and teach others how to work with cannabis in a mindful and intentional way.

Miss M. : How do you currently incorporate cannabis into your health and wellness routine?

Sari: I use cannabis now for various reasons in various forms. CBD full spectrum everyday to keep my cannabinoids happy! THC is used before I do a workout or yoga, or when I want to meditate and drop into my inner knowing and exploration with myself.

I use Rick Simpson Oil to help with my chronic allergies, I use topical balms for muscle soreness, and massage oil for fun. I am a walking, talking cannabis plant! All with mindfulness and purpose.

My mission is to bring people into ceremony with cannabis, I have seen first hand how people’s relationships have transformed with this plant during my cannabis ceremonies.

Miss M. : What’s the most significant way cannabis has changed your life?

Sari: Cannabis showed me my soul purpose, by choosing me to be one of her advocates, she continues to teach me how to communicate the power that she has to unlock people’s limiting beliefs and open their minds to their infinite potential.

Miss M. :Why do you want to help break the negative stigma of cannabis? Why is this important to you?

Sari: This is my life’s mission. We have been lied to by people that society put their trust in, government, the medical industry, for what reason? To control us with pharmaceuticals and alcohol, and other low vibrational technologies and substances.

The more people who are aware of the healing benefits of ALL plant medicine starting with cannabis, the more I can teach people how to use plant medicine to awaken to their true human potential, the more we can free ourselves from the confines of mental enslavement.  To me it is contributing to the survival of humanity.

Miss M. : What are you currently doing to help break the stigma? Any projects?  Outreach? Influence?

Sari: Yes i’m creating a docu-series called “Cannabis: From Heathen To Healer” profiling stories of people who were deep in the stigma and turned to cannabis for their last resort and showing how it changed their life for the better.

I also created Cannabliss Retreats the first Global Retreat and Festival brand where we have had retreats all over the world, California, Toronto, Jamaica, and we teach people about mindful consumption, science, spirit, and wellness through experiencing the plant in new ways. Many people come who are trying cannabis for the first time, or seeking how to use it for their optimal well-being.

I am also launching “The Spirit of Cannabis Tour” which will be a series of festivals across California in 2020.

Additionally I have a creative agency called Redefining Cannabis which is an incubator for cannabis brands, I consult on branding, I help source CBD and Cannabis, and help advise on product development and launch.

Miss M. : Where do you want to see the cannabis movement go in the next five years?

Sari: I would like to see cannabis free all the plants! As well as maintain dignity with the way it is cultivated and grown and not allow corporate America to destroy the integrity of this plant like it has with everything else.

Miss M. : How do you suggest other people can get involved in helping de-stigmatize cannabis?

Sari: Education, even if you don’t consume you can still advocate, we are not just fighting for legalization of this plant, but it represents so much more than that. We are fighting for our human given right to choose our health, our medicine and allow us to govern over our own sovereignty and what nature has given to us to explore.

Miss M. : What advice do you have for people who want to try using cannabis to heal but are afraid?

Sari: Talk to me! I help many people with their entry or re-entry into a relationship with this plant. In addition to that I would say take it slow, use full spectrum CBD and don’t be afraid of THC.

There are many ways to learn how to mitigate any challenging experiences, however I believe all challenges are a gift for us to learn and grow from.

Sari is also a certified Yogini and Reiki attunment, leads cannabis ceremonies, educates people on mindful consumption, has been a panelist at several events and conferences. Sari’s companies have been featured on: Late Night with Seth, Rolling Stones, LA Weekly, Huffington Post, High Times, USA Today and many others! If you want to follow Sari and her work, make sure to visit her on Instagram.

RELATED: How 25 Real People Took Control Of Their Medical Problems Using Cannabis

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